
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

English Secondary Education B.A. – Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Concentration - Licensure: English Language Arts (Grades 7-12)

Program Overview

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Contact: English Department

Location: Ross 1284

Website: www.unco.edu/hss/english

Advising Information:

Students must consult with their assigned English Education advisor each semester prior to registering. Assigned advisor is available through the English Department Office.

To find your advisor, log into ursa.unco.edu; go to 'Student' tab and click 'View Student Information' link. If no advisor is listed, contact the major program for advisor information.

NOTE: Students must complete a special application to the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Program.

The program consists of six parts:

  1. Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) Credits
  2. Required Major Credits
  3. Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Concentration Credits
  4. Professional Teacher Education Program (PTEP) Credits
  5. University-Wide Elective Credits

*For Educator licensure majors, PTEP coursework counts towards the minimum of nine upper-division UNC credits (300-400).

Program Description:

The English Education (EED) Major prepares its graduates to serve as secondary English/Language Arts teachers (grades 7-12). Students can choose from three concentration areas: EED: Language and Literature Concentration; EED: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education Concentration, or EED: Special Education Concentration. The program participates in the UNC/partner school program and supervises student teachers during their field experiences.

Program Admission Requirements:

Students must apply to and be admitted to the English Education program. In order to be considered for admission, students must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Overall GPA of 3.00
  • GPA in the Major of 3.00 with no grade lower than a "C" ("C-" is not acceptable)
  • Completion of at least six (6) credits in ENG courses applicable to the major, including ENG 195. (Students whose six credits include courses in which they are currently enrolled must include a completed "Student Status" form with their application materials.)

Completion of an application packet to EED that includes:

  • An essay that will be used as a writing sample
  • Recommendation Forms from two UNC faculty
  • A copy of Degree Works that reflects student's GPA and completion of and/or enrollment in the required classes
  • Progress report for any ENG courses in progress during the application period
  • The Colorado Commission on Higher Education and this program require the completion of a yearly assessment of student progress. The progress of all EED teacher candidates will be reviewed annually to ensure compliance with program requirements

Complete admissions information and required documents are available on the English Department Page at www.unco.edu/hss/english.

PTEP Program Requirements:

Teacher candidates who complete an approved content degree and the UNC professional teacher education program, as well as pass the appropriate Colorado Department of Education designated PRAXIS exam (if applicable), will be eligible for recommendation from UNC for a Colorado Department of Education teaching license.

If you are seeking licensure in your program area, the following items are required to complete your program.

  • Completion of Application for Initial Admission to PTEP – referred to as Checkpoint #1 (Enrollment in this checkpoint will result in a one-time program fee, assessed to student accounts to pay for assessment software. This checkpoint will also require an out-of-pocket payment - to the chosen approved vendor - to obtain a fingerprint background check, which is required by the Colorado Department of Education.)
  • Completion of Full Admission to PTEP – referred to as Checkpoint #2
  • Completion of Application for Student Teaching – referred to as Checkpoint #3
  • Successful completion of the degree in the subject licensure area is necessary to qualify for Licensure in Colorado for K-12 or Secondary Endorsements.
  • Candidates may not take extra courses with Student Teaching without prior approval from the Program Coordinator and the STE Director.
  • All PTEP Field Experiences and methods courses need to be successfully completed prior to Student Teaching.
  • Student Teaching outside the supervision of UNC Faculty may or may not be approved.
  • Teacher Candidates will not be placed in a school where they were once students or where they have a close relative attending and/or working.
  • Teacher education and educator preparation licensure programs do not accept Professional Teacher Education Program (PTEP) or field-based courses that are more than ten years old. PLEASE NOTE: Teacher Candidates have the right to petition this policy at the discretion of the program coordinator.

Please work with your content advisor to determine when these requirements will be completed throughout your program.

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Elementary, Secondary & K-12 Education
K-12 CLD Endorsement

The endorsement program in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Education provides teacher candidates with the knowledge and pedagogical skills to effectively support K-12 students learning English as a new language. The program provides teacher candidates with deep understanding of theories of second language acquisition, the structures of the English language, linguistically and culturally responsive teaching, the nature of bi/multilingualism, policies and programs impacting bi/multilingual learners, and methods for supporting content-based language learning. Students successfully completing this program will be recommended to the Colorado Department of Education for the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse K-12 endorsement.

Admission Requirements:

To enroll in this program, the student needs to be in a teacher licensure program at UNC.

Prior to beginning your first semester within the CLD endorsement, students must complete the following:

  1. Attend the mandatory CLD Orientation for new students prior to registration.
  2. Submit the application for admission to the CLD Endorsement.
  3. Schedule a meeting with CLD advisor Penelope Mascarenas (penelope.mascarenas@unco.edu) to register for courses.

Program Requirements:

CLD Endorsement candidates must maintain a 2.5 GPA to remain in the program. Faculty also reserve the right to place on probation or to require the withdrawal from the program of any student who fails to satisfy the requirements of scholarship, commitment, performance, or disregard for the UNC Honor Code, based on course or practicum performance.

CLD Endorsement candidates must complete the practicum requirement in a classroom with English learners. The CLD practicum must also be completed independently from other required practicum courses.

CLD Endorsement candidates will complete a summative, standards-based portfolio during their practicum course (ECLD 401) that includes reflection upon artifacts generated throughout the program.

Program Recommendations:

Students are also encouraged to become involved with the UNC or community centers that advocate for the rights of minoritized communities, including the César Chávez Cultural Center or the Immigrant and Refugee Center.

Degree Requirements — 121 Credits

1. Liberal Arts Curriculum — 31 credits

To complete the degree in 121 credits as outlined, the program recommends the below LAC courses that also count toward the required major credits.

Completing LAC coursework outside of the recommended list below may extend the length of the program of study.

Written Communication — 6 credits

ENG 225 is strongly recommended and is the only intermediate writing course that will count for both LAC and EED program requirements.

See Written Communication courses

Mathematics — 3 credits

Select any courses to fulfill this requirement from the currently approved LAC course list.

See Mathematics courses

Arts & Humanities, History, Social & Behavioral Sciences, U.S. Multicultural Studies [MS], and International Studies [IS] — 15 credits

To complete the LAC in the minimum number of credits, be sure to choose at least one course with an IS designation and one course with an MS designation.

ENG 207, ENG 232, ENG 236, MAS 110, ENG 205, ENG 206, ENG 217, ENG 262, ENG 263, FILM 120 and HUM 122 are recommended to fulfill Arts & Humanities requirements and will double count for the EED program requirements. ENG 207 , ENG 232, ENG 236 , MAS 110 fulfill U.S. Multicultural Studies and ENG 205, ENG 206, ENG 217, ENG 262, ENG 263, and HUM 122 fulfill International Studies.

ECLD 260 is recommended to fulfill Social & Behavioral Sciences and U.S. Multicultural Studies requirements and will fulfill both LAC and major requirements.

MAS 100 or PSY 247 are recommended to fulfill Social & Behavioral Sciences and will double count for the EED requirements.

See Arts & Humanities, History, and Social & Behavioral Sciences courses

Natural & Physical Sciences — 7 credits

Select any courses to fulfill this requirement from the currently approved LAC course list.

See Natural & Physical Sciences courses

See Liberal Arts Curriculum

2. English Major Requirements — 45 credits

Required Courses — 15 credits

ENG 195Introduction to the Discipline of English


ENG 216Grammar and Style


ENG 225Research Writing for Contemporary CultureLAW2


ENG 295Approaches to Literary and Cultural Analysis


ENG 310Literature and the Nation


Note: Only ENG 225 will meet EED program requirements.

200 Level Major Elective Credits— 6 credits

6 credits from any 200-level LAC courses (ENG, FILM, HUM). Students may also use FILM 120 and AFS 205.

300 Level Major Elective Credits — 9 credits

9 credits from any 300-level (ENG/FILM/HUM) courses

English Education — 15 credits

EED 308Foundations of Teaching English Language Arts: Learners and the Learning Environment


EED 318Pedagogy and Practices in Social Emotional Learning


EED 402Methods of Teaching English Language Arts II: Enacting Pedagogy


EED 441Methods of Teaching English Language Arts I: Literacy Pedagogies


EDSE 325Behavioral Dimensions of Students with Exceptionalities I


3. Endorsement Requirements — 21 credits

Required — 15 Credits

Take all of the following courses:

ECLD 260Language Acquisition in Multilingual SocietiesLAB3LAMS


ECLD 380Introduction to Linguistics for ESL/CLD Educators


ECLD 400Methods and Approaches of Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students


ECLD 401CLD Practicum


WLC 390History and Philosophy of Multilingual Education



MAS 275Education of Mexican American Students


Note: ECLD 341 is included in PHASE III of PTEP. ECLD 400 with ECLD 401 must be taken in the same semester.

CLD Elective #1: U.S. Multicultural Studies - Choose one of the following: AC courses — 3 credits

MAS 100Introduction to Mexican American StudiesLAB3LAMS


MAS 110Contemporary Chicano LiteratureLAA2LAMS


CLD Elective #2: Language and Education — 3 credits

Choose any World Language course at any level (Note: 200 level World Language courses count toward LAC Arts & Humanities and International Studies requirement). Credit for a world language course can also be obtained with AP credit accepted by the university or with the Seal of Biliteracy.

Any level of world language


4. PTEP — 33 credits

Students are encouraged to review the policies and procedures for PTEP that are described on the School of Teacher website at https://www.unco.edu/cebs/teacher-education/undergraduate-programs/secondary-education/current-students/.

Phase I — 5 credits taken concurrently

EDF 290Foundations of Education


STEP 161Observation and Analysis of Secondary Teaching I


Phase II — 8 credits taken concurrently

EDSE 360Adaptation, Modification, and Integration of Curriculum for the Secondary Exceptional Learner


PSY 247Adolescent Learning and MotivationLAB3



PSY 349Educational Psychology for Secondary Teachers


STEP 262Observation and Analysis of Secondary Teaching II


Note: PSY 247 can substitute for PSY 349 only if taken during Phase II of PTEP.

Phase III — 8 credits taken concurrently

ET 449Integrating Technologies into Secondary Education Pedagogy


STEP 363Clinical Experience: Secondary


ECLD 341Content-Based Literacies for Equitable Access to PK-12 Instruction


ECLD 341 counts towards the CLD endorsement and can be taken outside of Phase III with instructor approval.

Phase IV — 12 credits

STEP 464Secondary Student Teaching


5. University-Wide Credits — 0-2 credits*

*Note: Students must apply the recommended courses to both the liberal arts curriculum requirements and the major requirements to complete this degree program in 121 credit hours. This degree requires no university wide electives and has received an exception from the CDHE to exceed the typical limit of 120 credit hours.

Program Notes:

  • Admission to the English B.A., Secondary Teaching Program is by application. See Program Admission requirements above.
  • Provisional admission to PTEP (Phases I and II) is by application to the School of Teacher Education. See Program Admission requirements above.
  • Full Admission to PTEP (Phases III and IV) requires completion of at least 30 hours in the EED major with a grade point average overall and in the major of 3.0 (with no grade in the major lower than a C (C- is not acceptable). Majors receiving a grade of "C-" or lower must retake the course -- or an equivalent approved by the academic advisor -- and receive a grade of "C" or better to have the course counted toward the major.
  • Admission to PTEP Phase IV/Student Teaching requires completion of all required courses (LAC, ENG, EED, and concentration area, if applicable), with a grade point average overall and in the major of 3.0 with no grade in the major lower than a C (C- is not acceptable). In addition, teacher candidates must earn a grade of B or better in all EED courses.
  • Student progress will be assessed annually. Any student who fails to maintain the required GPA overall and in the major may be removed from the program. All English Education majors must demonstrate professional promise as a teacher to the satisfaction of the English and English Education faculty.

Four Year Plan

This four year plan is a recommended schedule to complete this bachelor's degree in 4 years. Courses are subject to availability. Students must consult with their major advisor to receive information on any additional graduation requirements and course sequence guidance.

Year 1 – 30 credits

Fall Semester

ENG 122College CompositionLAW1


Any 200 level ENG FILM or HUM course

Liberal Arts Curriculum


LAC HistoryLAH1


MAS 100Introduction to Mexican American StudiesLAB3LAMS



MAS 110Contemporary Chicano LiteratureLAA2LAMS


Total Credit Hours:15

Spring Semester

ENG 195Introduction to the Discipline of English


Any 200 level ENG FILM or HUM course

MAS 275Education of Mexican American Students



WLC 390History and Philosophy of Multilingual Education


LAC MathematicsLAX1


LAC Natural and Physical Sciences without LabLAS1


Total Credit Hours:15

Year 2 – 30 credits

Fall Semester

ENG 216Grammar and Style


ENG 225Research Writing for Contemporary CultureLAW2


ENG 295Approaches to Literary and Cultural Analysis


Any level of world language


LAC Natural and Physical Sciences with LabLAS1LASL


Total Credit Hours:16

Spring Semester

ECLD 260Language Acquisition in Multilingual SocietiesLAB3LAMS


ECLD 341Content-Based Literacies for Equitable Access to PK-12 Instruction


EDF 290Foundations of Education


EED 308Foundations of Teaching English Language Arts: Learners and the Learning Environment


STEP 161Observation and Analysis of Secondary Teaching I


Total Credit Hours:14

Year 3 – 32 credits

Fall Semester

ECLD 380Introduction to Linguistics for ESL/CLD Educators


EDSE 360Adaptation, Modification, and Integration of Curriculum for the Secondary Exceptional Learner


EED 318Pedagogy and Practices in Social Emotional Learning


Any 300 level ENG FILM or HUM course

PSY 247Adolescent Learning and MotivationLAB3



PSY 349Educational Psychology for Secondary Teachers


STEP 262Observation and Analysis of Secondary Teaching II


Total Credit Hours:17

Spring Semester

ECLD 400Methods and Approaches of Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students


ECLD 401CLD Practicum


EED 441Methods of Teaching English Language Arts I: Literacy Pedagogies


ENG 310Literature and the Nation


Any 300 level ENG FILM or HUM course

Total Credit Hours:12

Year 4 – 29 credits

Fall Semester

EDSE 325Behavioral Dimensions of Students with Exceptionalities I


EED 402Methods of Teaching English Language Arts II: Enacting Pedagogy


ET 449Integrating Technologies into Secondary Education Pedagogy


STEP 363Clinical Experience: Secondary


Any 300 level ENG FILM or HUM course

Liberal Arts Curriculum


Total Credit Hours:17

Spring Semester

STEP 464Secondary Student Teaching


Total Credit Hours:12

STEP 464: Take 12 credits

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