Graduate 2019-2020

College of Natural and Health Sciences

Department of Community Health

CH 500 Stress Management

A holistic approach to stress management, with cognitive and theoretical knowledge and stress reduction techniques to prevent or alleviate physical symptoms of stress.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

CH 505 Health Communications and the Media

Focuses on the design, production, evaluation and acquisition of appropriate media and materials for health education/promotion programs.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

CH 508 Workshop

A variety of workshops on special topics within the discipline. Goals and objectives will emphasize the acquisition of general knowledge and skills in the discipline. Repeatable, under different subtitles.
1- 3

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

CH 509 Behavior Change Theories

Review theories of behavior and behavior change as they relate to current health issues. Health behavior change models will be examined and applied.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

CH 510 International Health: Cross Cultural Comparisons

This class explores the multi-cultural aspects of health and international comparisons of various health indicators. Students will examine specific health problems, and the nature of health care delivery worldwide.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

CH 513 Professional Renewal

Update skills and knowledge of professionals in the discipline. Goals and objectives will be specifically directed at individual professional enhancement rather than the acquisition of general discipline knowledge or methodologies. S/U or letter graded.
1- 3

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles with no limits on the number of times it can be repeated

CH 520 Foundations in Public Health

Examines the historical and conceptual basis, key issues, advancements and the core functions of the public health system. This course is offered through CSPH as PUBH 6600.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

CH 525 Contemporary Issues in School Health

This course examines the relationship between child/adolescent health and their school experience. The course will be organized around the eight components of the Coordinated School Health Program Model. Current issues and approaches to school health will also be presented.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

CH 530 Strategies for Community Health Promotion

This course examines the effectiveness of a wide range of community strategies used in health promotion/disease prevention programs.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Attribute

Community Engaged Learning

CH 532 Physical Activity and Public Health

An examination of physical activity and the public health implications of physical inactivity. Emphasis will be placed on epidemiologic evidence of physical activity benefits and chronic disease prevention.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

CH 533 Physical Activity Interventions in the Community

This course is designed to acquaint students with theory-based interventions to increase participation in physical activity. Interventions discussed will include evidence-based approaches targeting various sub-populations and settings within the community.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

CH 535 Effective Community Health Engagement

This course will identify and apply strategies needed to effectively engage in communities.


CH 530: with minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Attribute

Community Engaged Learning

CH 550 Environmental Health

Investigate and discuss the relationships of environmental health problems to human health and welfare. Include sources of these problems, their recognition and control and current research studies.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

CH 575 Public Health Issues in Reproductive Health

An extensive comprehensive elective designed to expose graduate students to the importance of reproductive health and the impact it has on public health issues.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

CH 610 Program Planning and Evaluation

Theories and practices of program planning and evaluation including needs assessment, planning approaches, election of strategies, data collection and analysis, evaluation design, program implementation and utilization of evaluation data.


CH 509: with minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

CH 612 Statistical Applications in Public Health

Applied statistical methods for students in public health. Developing statistical literacy and an ability to perform basic statistics, data summarizations and hypothesis testing using statistical software will be emphasized.

Level Restriction

Include GR

CH 615 Methods in Public Health Research and Evaluation

Public health research methods, qualitative/quantitative research designs, data collection/analysis and program evaluation. Students will conduct an evaluation project with a local public health agency.


CH 612: with minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

CH 620 Epidemiology

Epidemiological principles analyzed with an emphasis on selected topical issues, infectious and chronic/degenerative diseases, research design and analysis. Practical applications of statistical and epidemiological methods.


CH 612: with minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

CH 622 Directed Studies

Individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a faculty member. (Minimum of 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour.)
1- 4

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

CH 635 Policy, Advocacy, Leadership & Management in Community Health

Health policy, advocacy, leadership and management is a multidisciplinary field of public health concerned with the delivery, quality and costs of public health services.

Level Restriction

Include GR

CH 686 MPH Masters Project

Independent project in which student demonstrates public health competencies. Includes public presentation of capstone paper.


May concurrently take CH 693: with minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

CH 693 MPH Practicum

MPH students must successfully demonstrate competencies and integrate knowledge. Through this practicum, theory and skills will be applied in a public health setting.


CH 610: with minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

CH 699 Thesis

Optional for Master of Public Health candidates in Health Education.
1- 6

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

CH 999 Graduate School Continuous Registration

To permit a graduate student to continue making progress in a degree program. S/U graded.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations