Undergraduate 2019-2020

College of Natural and Health Sciences

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

BREW 170 Fundamentals of Brewing Science

Fundamental role of science in brewing beer, the ingredients in beer, and the process of brewing. Emphasis on QA/QC analysis and integration of beer throughout society. For non-science majors.

Course Attribute

LC6-Physical & Life Sciences and GT Physical & Life Sciences

BREW 170L Fundamentals of Brewing Science Laboratory

Investigation of science in the brewing industry through hands-on activities in the laboratory. Credit toward Liberal Arts Core given only upon successful completion of BREW 170.


May concurrently take BREW 170: with minimum grade of D-

Course Attribute

LC6-Physical & Life Sciences and LCLB-Science Lab Course and GT Physical & Life Science

BREW 370 Introduction to Brewing Science

Survey of beer brewing, with a particular focus on the multidisciplinary connections in the science of brewing beer. Specific topics include the history, biology, chemistry, physics, and politics of beer.

BREW 470 Practical Brewing Science

Must be 21 + years old (photo ID required at first class session). Investigations in brewing beer with focus on practical applications of water chemistry, analysis of beer components, sensory evaluation. A project-based component stressing the multidisciplinary nature of brewing is required.


BREW 370: with minimum grade of C

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BREW 479 Advanced Brewing Science

Students must be 21+ years old (photo ID required at first class session). Application of brewing laboratory science methods of malt, wort, and beer analysis during the production of microbrewery scale quantities of beer. A project-based component involving the creation of a quality assurance program for the operation of a microbrewery is required.


May concurrently take BREW 470: with minimum grade of C

Course Fee

Course Fee Required