Graduate 2019-2020

College of Natural and Health Sciences

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

CHEM 508 Workshop

A variety of workshops on special topics within the discipline. Goals and objectives will emphasize the acquisition of general knowledge and skills in the discipline. Repeatable, under different subtitles.


CHEM 509 Advanced Placement Institute in Chemistry

Consent of instructor. Topics in chemistry content and pedagogy appropriate to the establishment, development and maintenance of an advanced placement program in chemistry. S/U graded. Repeatable, no limitations.


CHEM 510 Green Chemistry for Secondary Educators

(2 lecture, 3 laboratory) Applications of green chemistry principles to secondary science classrooms, techniques for recycling chemicals, reducing hazardous chemical use and waste. Must have completed 1 year of general chemistry.


CHEM 522 Advanced Analytical Chemistry

Prerequisite: CHEM 321. Advanced topics in analytical chemistry, including sampling, statistics, multiple equilibria and current literature.


CHEM 523 Chemical Spectroscopy

Prerequisites: CHEM 321 and CHEM 332. Theory and application of IR, NMR, UV visible and mass spectroscopy.


CHEM 525 Forensic Chemistry

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) Prerequisite: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Application of statistics and chemistry to the analysis of evidence gathered in criminal investigations such as drugs, fibers, gun shot residue, explosives, and accelerants. Course fee required.


CHEM 533 Organic Synthesis and Stereochemistry

Prerequisite: CHEM 332. An advanced treatment of synthesis and stereochemistry in organic chemistry.


CHEM 534 Theory and Mechanisms of Organic Reactions

Prerequisites: CHEM 332, CHEM 452. An advanced treatment of organic reaction mechanisms and molecular orbital chemistry.


CHEM 541 Solid State Chemistry

Prerequisite: CHEM 442 or equivalent. Bonding and crystal structure, crystallography, synthesis and characterization techniques, and structure-property relationships unique to solid-state materials


CHEM 543 Organometallic Chemistry

Prerequisite: CHEM 442. An introduction to organometallic systems will be presented. Included will be a comprehensive study of the preparation, properties, and reactivity of transition metal organometallic compounds and their application to catalysis.


CHEM 551 Physical Chemistry I

Prerequisites: CHEM 332, MATH 233, PHYS 241. Co-requisites, CHEM 321. Chemical kinetics, quantum theory of atoms and molecules and statistical thermodynamics.


CHEM 552 Physical Chemistry II

Prerequisite: CHEM 551. The properties of matter, thermodynamics, thermochemistry and kinetic molecular theory.


CHEM 560 Environmental Chemistry

(1.5 lecture,.5 laboratory) Prerequisite: CHEM 331. The effect of chemicals on the environment.


CHEM 581 General Biochemistry I

Prerequisite: CHEM 332 or equivalent. Chemistry of biologically important compounds (proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids), emphasizing structure and function, methods of isolation, identification and characterization, kinetics and mechanisms of enzyme catalysis.


CHEM 582 General Biochemistry II

Prerequisites: CHEM 581. A continuation of CHEM 581. Bioenergetics, electron transport systems, metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleotides and amino acids.


CHEM 587 Toxicology

Prerequisites: CHEM 482 or equivalent. A descriptive examination of the toxic effects of environmental substances on living systems.


CHEM 590 Advanced Topics in Chemistry

Discussion of a topic in chemistry at the graduate level; e.g. polymers, drug metabolism, and molecular reaction dynamics. Repeatable, maximum of 12 credits, under different subtitles.


CHEM 600 Seminar in Chemistry

Oral report and discussion on an advanced topic in chemistry or chemical education. Repeatable, may be taken three times.


CHEM 622 Directed Studies

Individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a faculty member. (Minimum of 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour.) Repeatable, maximum concurrent enrollment is two times.


CHEM 682 Problems in Teaching Chemistry

Problems encountered in teaching chemistry and approaches to their resolutions will be considered. The formal nature of concepts, management of laboratories, safety, demonstrations are illustrative of areas of discussion.


CHEM 693 Chemical Research

Develop, complete, and defend master's level research project in chemistry. S/U graded. Repeatable, no limitations.


CHEM 695 Thesis Proposal

The student will develop a committee approved research proposal based on current literature.


CHEM 699 Thesis

Required of candidates in the MS programs in chemistry that are completing theses. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.


CHEM 755 Supervised Practicum in College Teaching

Supervised practice in college teaching for doctoral candidates with observation used as a basis for analysis of learning experiences. Repeatable, maximum of four credits.


CHEM 793 Doctoral Research Practicum-Chemistry

Consent of advisor. Provides experience in the development and implementation of research techniques, the development of experimental design and the analysis of research data. S/U graded. Repeatable, no limitations.


CHEM 797 Doctoral Research Proposal-Chemistry

Required of all doctoral students. Students may register for this course (1-4 hours) in any semester, but must earn 4 hours of credit in partial fulfillment of requirements before admission to candidacy. S/U graded. Repeatable, maximum of four credits.


CHEM 799 Doctoral Dissertation-Chemistry

Required of all doctoral candidates. See Ph.D. in Chemical Education - Minimum requirements for the major in the Graduate School section of this Catalog. Repeatable, maximum of 12 credits.
