
2016-2017 Graduate

Graduate Interdisciplinary Degree Program M.A. – Science Education Emphasis

College of Natural and Health Sciences

Degree Requirements — 30 Credits

See “Graduate Interdisciplinary Degree Program M.A.”.

Degree Requirements

Required Courses — 18 hours

ECLD 602Teaching Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Learners


PSY 681Cognition and Instruction I


SCED 530Laboratory, Field, and Studio Safety


SCED 578K-12 Science Inquiry


SCED 600Science Education Research for K-12 Teachers


SCED 678Science Education Seminar


SCED 695Action Research in Science Education I


SCED 696Action Research in Science Education II


SCED 697Action Research in Science Education III


SCED 678: Take 2 credits

EDSE 509 or PSY 640 may be substituted for ECLD 602 with approval from your advisor.

PSY 500 or PSY 540 may be substituted for PSY 681 with approval from your advisor.

Science Pedagogical Content Electives — 12 hours

Choose 12 hours from the following courses:

SCED 521Physics in Modern Medicine


SCED 531Teaching Chemistry for the Future


SCED 561Using Controversial Biological Topics to Teach Nature of Science


SCED 581Earth Systems: WATER


SCED 605Global Change


NOTES: The goal of this program is to enhance the science and pedagogical knowledge of professional science teachers in the K-12 environment.

For the research experience, students will complete a series of Action Research courses and are required to form an advisory committee with a minimum of three qualified faculty. These courses require research on a current problem in K-12 science education relevant to students' teaching situations. The student will develop goals, review relevant literature and plan and complete an action research project.

A research paper will also be developed with the assistance of the student's advisor and committee.

Comprehensive Exam: Students are required to provide an oral presentation of the research to the student's advisor and committee.