Graduate Catalog 2021-2022

Student Life

The Office of Student Life provides students with involvement and leadership opportunities that enhance the academic experience. Students practice leadership skills, responsible citizenship, and develop management skills while making new friends and having fun.

Office of Student Organizations (OSO)

Students may become involved in one of the 130 student groups which include academic societies, international, social, and political clubs and honorary organizations.

Center for Peer Education (CPE)

The Center for Peer Education is an undergraduate student led organization that provides prevention education to student peers about alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs, mental health and overall healthy decision making. We hope that through education and awareness, we can equip our peers with the necessary tools to make safe and responsible decisions in an effort to create a safe and healthy campus experience for all.

Student Senate

Student Senate is a governing body dedicated to serving the students of UNC. It is composed of 23 members: 8 cabinet members and 15 senators (3 from each college at UNC). Members of other areas of campus also sit on senate including representatives from the Residence Hall Association, Graduate Student Association, UNC Faculty, Professional Administration Staff Council, and Classified Staff Council.

Graduate Student Association (GSA)

The Graduate Student Association is an organization that allows graduate students and faculty from all disciplines to interact and achieve higher standards of thinking and research excellence. The GSA provides students with the information they need to obtain research tools, be reimbursed for research expenses, and present their research in a professional manner.

University Program Council (UPC)

This student-run, student-funded organization sponsors lectures, movies, comedians, concerts and other special events at low or no cost to students. Students obtain leadership experience in all aspects of program and event management while having fun and meeting new people.