School of Teacher Education
Director: Jingzi (Ginny) Huang, Ph.D.
Location: McKee 216
Telephone: 970.351.2908
Faculty: Margaret Berg, Ph.D.; Anne Davidson-Shafer, Ph.D.; James A. Erekson, Ph.D.; Matthew Farber, Ed.D.; James Gambrell Ed.D.; Derek Gottlieb, Ed.D.; Jenni L. Harding Middleton, Ed.D.; Michelle Holmes, Ph.D.; HyunJung (Hannah) Kang, Ph.D.; Jean Kirshner, Ph.D.; Heng-Yu Ku, Ph.D.; Christine Kyser, Ed.D.; Jody K. Lawrence, Ph.D.; Kimberly Arnold Mahovsky, Ed.D.; Madeline Milian, Ed.D.; Christine McConnell Moroye, Ph.D.; Deborah Romero, Ph.D.; Brian Rose, Ph.D.; Suzette Youngs, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus: Thomas A. Griggs, Ph.D.; Kathleen O'Neil, Ph.D.; Susan A. Thompson, Ed.D.; Dana Walker, Ph.D.
Cumbres prepares Hispanic/Latino students to teach with an English as a Second Language or bilingual education endorsement.
Location: McKee 262
Telephone: 970.351.2417
Course(s) Offered (Prefix):
Program(s) Offered:
- Master's Degrees
- Doctoral Degrees
- Doctoral Minors
- Teacher Licensure
- Graduate Certificate
Prior-learning experience policy:
CDE approved CLD professional development in compliance with CO ELL Standards:
Students who successfully completed a CDE Endorsed Professional development program, evidenced by the EL PD Approved Program Certificate and deemed appropriate by the UNC program area faculty, may request the awarding of 3 credits for ECLD 513 for partially fulfilling UNC CLD endorsement program requirement.
The awarded 3 credits of ECLD 513 will substitute for the required 3 credit hours of ECLD 593 in UNC’s CLD endorsement and/or Master’s in CLD program.
To request academic credit, the EL PD Approved Program Certificate must be submitted together with the UNC Application to the Graduate School or after admission to the Program Coordinator. Requests for credit transcription will be made via On-Base.
CLD Based Practicum:
Evidence and documentation of practice based prior learning experiences related to CLD education may be transcribed into three credits as ECLD 504 towards CLD Endorsement and/or MAT CLD. There are two options:
Option 1: CLD Based Practicum
Successful completion of a 40-hour CLD/CLDBE field experience under the direction of the district’s professional development staff, designed in conjunction with the UNC CLD faculty. The field experience consists of observations, co-teaching, or teaching in one’s own class (with a minimum of 6 culturally and linguistically diverse and bilingual learners in the class), coaching, and reflections on practice.
Option 2: Prior Learning Experiences
The following evidence will be used to decide if prior learning experience will be accepted as three credits in place of ECLD 504 Practicum
a. Minimum two years of teaching in classrooms with CLD students;
b. Evaluation by school leader or CLD expert of the applicant’s teaching effectiveness with a focus on working with CLD students – Follow Rubric 1: Evaluation by school leader or CLD expert
c. Self-reflection on instructional practices related to CLD education – Follow Rubric 2: Teacher’s self-reflection on instructional practices related to CLD education
To request academic credit, the Certificates of Completion and other documentation must be submitted with the application to the Graduate School or to the program coordinator after admission. (see UNC rubrics for more information)
Verifying Your Identity:
If you intend to apply for a Colorado Teacher License after completing a teaching licensure program at UNC, please note that the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) requires that you must open a COOL account with CDE and you must have a Social Security Number in order to open the COOL account. Please see the important information regarding “Setting up your COOL Account” at In addition, as part of the licensure process, CDE requires that you must affirm your identity. This affirmation is called “verifying your identity.” Under CDE’s current requirements, you cannot receive a Colorado Teacher License without “verifying your identity.” Please see the important information regarding “Verifying Your Identity” here: You should check the two webpages above, and other webpages regarding Colorado Teacher Licensure, frequently for any changes.