Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Department of Applied Psychology and Counselor Education

Chair: Heather Helm, Ph.D.

Location: McKee 248

Telephone: 970.351.2731


Applied Psychology and Counselor Education Faculty: Heather Helm, Ph.D.; Brian D. Johnson, Ph.D.; Danielle Kahlo, Ph.D.; Jennifer L. Murdock-Bishop, Ph.D.; Kristin Myers, Ph.D.; Kenneth Parnell, Ph.D.; Jeffrey A. Rings, Ph.D.; Lu Tian, Ph.D.; Matthew Tis, Ph.D.; Angela Vaughan, Ph.D.; Angela Weingartner, Ph.D.; Stephen L. Wright, Ph.D.

Course(s) Offered (Prefix):

Program(s) Offered:

The Department of Applied Psychology and Counselor Education (APCE) offers a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology (APA Accredited), a Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision (CACREP Accredited), an M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CACREP Accredited), an M.A. in Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling/Therapy (CACREP Accredited), and an M.A. in School Counseling (CACREP Accredited).

Professional Counseling Program(s) Offered:

The Counseling faculty views potential candidates as unique, with strengths and assets to be identified, encouraged and developed during their graduate education. The knowledge and human relations skills necessary to help individuals recognize their own and other persons' unique promise and discover opportunities for its expression form the core of professional preparation for students in professional counseling. Such knowledge and skills are learned in part from research and study in the behavioral and social sciences, various skill development activities and supervised practica. Supervised training is provided through the Psychological Services Clinic to the University and the local community. Opportunities for a broad understanding of human behavior and human relationships are included in the education of the student in Counseling.

The Counseling faculty is committed to the development of broadly based competent professional counselors skilled in helping people with personal, interpersonal and career concerns in community agencies or in schools. The requirements of the program are conceptualized within the framework and standards set forth by accreditation standards, the counseling profession, Colorado state law, Graduate School and job requirements. The Professional Counseling programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).