2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog

Student Activities


The Office of Student Activities provides students with involvement and leadership opportunities that enhance the academic experience. Students practice leadership skills, responsible citizenship, and develop management skills while making new friends and having fun.

Center for Peer Education (CPE) provides prevention education to student peers about alcohol, tobacco, drugs and overall healthy decision making. For more information see www.unco.edu/cpe.

Charters Student Clubs and Organizations.


Students may become involved in one of the 130 student groups which include academic societies, international, social, and political, religious clubs and honorary organizations.

Community Connections . Students volunteer for community service activities such as Alternative Spring Break (a national program for service projects), Habitat for Humanity, and other Weld County service agency programs.

Fraternities/Sororities . These organizations, also known as Greek organizations, offer leadership, social, academic, and community service activities for members. The University recognizes the following fraternities: Alpha Kappa Lambda, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Nu Alpha Kappa, Sigma Chi, and Sigma Lambda Beta.

The University recognizes the following sororities: Alpha Kappa Alpha, Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Delta Zeta, Lambda Theta Nu, Pi Lambda Chi, Sigma Kappa and Sigma Lambda Gamma.

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Office.


This office seeks to offer education and support to students, faculty and staff through student panels, educational programming, social and support groups, and a library of related materials.

Greek Life.


For over 90 years students at UNC have enjoyed the benefits of the Greek Life community. Fraternity and sorority members share in service, scholastic, social, athletic, service and leadership opportunities that are an integral part of the overall college experience.

Student Senate.


This is the UNC student government comprised of nine officers, four voting representatives from the colleges and Residence Hall Association, three non-voting members, and representatives from PASC, SPEEC and the faculty. Student Senate activities include allocation of student fees, voicing student concerns and issues to the campus and community and fund three services which are Student Legal Services, Off-Campus Housing and National Student Exchange.

University Program Council (UPC).


This student-run, student-funded organization sponsors lectures, movies, comedians, concerts and other special events at low or no cost to students. Students obtain leadership experience in all aspects of program and event management while having fun and meeting new people.