2011-2012 Graduate Catalog

School Library Education M.A.

The Master of Arts in School Library Education is tailored specifically to K-12 professionals who would like to obtain employment in Colorado’s K-12 libraries and learning resource/media centers.

Upon meeting the admission criteria for the Graduate School, the candidate’s application is forwarded to the department faculty for review. Reviews by the faculty are continuous and there is no application deadline. Applications require a two-page statement of career goals, three letters of reference, and transcripts from previous undergraduate work. A teaching license valid for the State of Colorado is also required. The statement of career goals should specifically address how this degree program will assist the candidate in furthering his/her skills and knowledge and applying them in the future.

The faculty review of applications generally takes on to two weeks. Major delays usually occur due to incomplete applications or insufficient information.

Applicants seeking an endorsement for Teacher Librarian by the State of Colorado Department of Education must meet the following requirements:

  • Hold a valid Type A teaching license (or equivalent) teaching license. (Condition of Application to Program)
  • Have completed an approved graduate degree program in school library education or library science in an accepted institution of higher education including two field experiences in elementary and/or either middle or secondary school library. (Fulfilled upon Graduation from Program)
  • Have completed one year of successful teaching experience (full-time) in the classroom and/or school library media experience while holding a valid Type A or professional teaching license or equivalent certificate. (Graduate’s Responsibility)
  • Successfully pass the required state proficiency examination. (Graduate’s Responsibility)

For degree and program requirements, see:

School Library Education M.A.