2012-2013 Graduate Catalog

Retroactive Withdrawal Appeal

A retroactive withdrawal appeal may be necessary when a student experienced extenuating circumstances, or an incident of such trauma and major proportions, that the student could not have reasonably been expected to possess the normal capabilities necessary to complete the academic period satisfactorily or complete a University withdrawal. Factors not accepted for a retroactive withdrawal appeal include such things as poor academic performance in a class, time management related situations, lack of adherence to/awareness of university policy, and the like.

Students have 90 days from the end of a course(s) to file a petition for a retroactive drop or withdrawal. Appeals made after that time will require University Leadership approval (e.g., AVP for EMSA or College Dean). All petitions must be in writing and signed by the student, legal guardian, power of attorney, or executor (in case of death). Documentation may be required if the petition is from someone other than the student. Students should include a written statement describing the circumstances and reasons for the appeal and any required documentation.

The required form and supporting documentation needed to consider a retroactive withdrawal appeal can be found on the Registrar’s Office website. http://www.registrar.unco.edu/withdrawal.html. The retroactive withdrawal appeal form and supporting documentation must be filed in the Office of the Registrar within 90 days from the end of a course(s).