2012-2013 Graduate Catalog

Office of the Dean

Location: Kepner 2053

Telephone: 970.351.2764

Dean: Don Gudmundson, Ph.D.

Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Programs: Sharon K. Clinebell, D.B.A.

The Kenneth W. Monfort College of Business (MCB) offers one Masters Degree Program in Accounting.

The College of Business was established in the summer of 1968 as an autonomous degree-recommending unit, with a primary mission to provide education for business administration.

Recognized in 2000 by CCHE as a Colorado Program of Excellence, the College has become an integral part of the University and is committed to advancing the Mission, Goals and Values of UNC (as specified in earlier pages of this Catalog). The College's own mission statement has been developed to support that of the University.

Performance based standards for degree programs in the Kenneth W. Monfort College of Business are available online at www.mcb.unco.edu.

Introduction: Monfort College of Business

In the Monfort College of Business highly-qualified faculty teach in reasonable class sizes (average of 30) in a technology-rich environment. The program is compli-mented by state-of-the-art learning facilities, an executive professor program, and an approach to learning that links theory with practice. MCB remains as the only business program in U.S. history to receive the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.

Mission Statement

To provide excellent business programs and related learning opportunities that prepare individuals for successful careers and responsible citizenship in a global society. We accomplish this by focusing our efforts in teaching, research and service to benefit student learning.

As part of the Monfort College of Business’ continuous improvement efforts, it has developed the following learning goals and objectives. The outcomes related to these learning goals and objectives are measured and the results are reviewed by faculty. Corrective actions are taken as needed to ensure a superior learning experience for our students.

Graduate Accounting Program Learning Goals and Objectives

Master’s Program Learning Goals

Learning Objectives

On completion of the accounting masters program, graduates will be able to

To attain the Program Learning Goals, accounting master students will


Demonstrate conceptual and analytical skills.

Analyze accounting data/information to identify key accounting issues, generate and evaluate appropriate alternatives, and propose feasible accounting alternatives at a proficient level.


Plan and conduct practice-oriented research to answer/solve accounting issues.

Demonstrate proficiency in conducting practice-oriented research.


Communicate complex accounting issues orally and in writing.

Demonstrate proficiency in preparing and delivering professional quality presentations on various accounting topics.

Demonstrate proficiency in preparing professional accounting documents.


Appropriately use technology to gain knowledge of complex accounting information and apply that knowledge to new contexts and situations.

Appropriately use the correct technology to solve complex accounting issues.


Recognize and analyze ethical issues in accounting and business practice, and develop a defensible solution based on applicable codes of conduct.

Proficiently identify the ethical issues or problems in an accounting case based on codes of professional conduct, analyze the consequences for various stakeholders and develop a justifiable resolution.

AACSB Accreditation

The Monfort College holds AACSB-accredited status in business administration and accounting. AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) is the premier accrediting agency for business school quality in the U.S. According to a recent Business Week article, “Today, just having the degree isn't as important as where you get it...As corporations become savvier buyers of...talent, they are giving more weight to the AACSB seal...Accreditation shows that a business school cares about the quality of its program.” The Monfort College's programs have been AACSB-accredited since 1992.

Master of Accounting Advising

Location: Kepner 2090

Telephone: 970.351.1252

MAcc Coordinator & Advisor: Ronald O. Reed, Ph.D., C.P.A.

MAcc Advisor: Allen W. McConnell, M.S., C.P.A.