2012-2013 Graduate Catalog

Residence Requirement

Each student must complete at least two terms of full-time study in residence after having been admitted to the doctoral degree program. A term in residence is defined as an academic term during which a student completes nine or more credit hours of on-campus course work applicable to the doctoral degree. Non-scheduled courses (e.g., internships, externships, directed studies and doctoral research) will not be counted in the nine or more credit hours unless a student also completes at least six other credit hours of on-campus course work applicable to the doctoral degree.

Schools may request approval of alternative requirements. Proposals for alternative residency requirements must assure extensive immersion in discipline research or practice under close supervision of graduate faculty or field professionals approved for graduate faculty equivalent status. Further, alternative proposals should address how the requirements promote appropriate values and professional motivation of a doctoral student beyond the training or academic experience that the individual will receive. Approvals will be applicable only to the program(s) specified in the proposal. Proposals should be submitted as a program curriculum request in accordance with the current curriculum review process. Alternative proposals must be approved by Graduate Council and Graduate Dean prior to implementation for any individual student.

The purpose for this residency requirement is to encourage immersion of the doctoral student in the program of study, the school and the discipline. Part-time or sporadic participation in a doctoral program is discouraged. A residency requirement does not guarantee total focus on doctoral studies. It does extend the message that a doctoral program involves more than attending some classes and completing program requirements. It also includes refinement of professional values and developing the intrinsic motivation required to contribute to the discipline.

If a UNC or Aims Community College employee cannot meet the above prescribed residency requirement due to employment restrictions, he/she may satisfy the requirement by completing 20 or more credit hours of on-campus work applicable to the degree during consecutive, academic year terms. Such a student must receive written permission from his/her immediate supervisor and a recommendation from his/her major school to fulfill the residency requirements in this manner. The supervisor’s permission and the school's recommendation must be filed with the Graduate School.