2013-2014 Graduate Catalog

Dance Education M.A.


The program will be delivered through both on line learning and on campus classes. The on line learning would take place during the fall and spring semesters, while the students would be on campus during the summers for face-to-face intensive classes. The summer classes would include three classes taught over a three week time period.


Requirements beyond UNC’s Minimum Requirements:

  • Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree and a strong desire to obtain a Master of Arts degree in Dance Education.

  • Those applying to the program would submit a sample of their scholarly writing for perusal. Scholarly writing could include writing describing curricula, lesson plans or research created or done by the applicant.

  • Applicants would also need to describe in detail how they would plan to actively use what they have learned in this graduate program in their own teaching situation or prospective teaching situation.

  • Students accepted to this program would be teachers or prospective teachers in Colorado and throughout the nation. There would, however, be an emphasis on accepting those who are already teaching in our state with the goal of improving dance education in Colorado schools. There is also the possibility of accepting international students in this program. (Dr. Sandra Minton is well-known as a dance educator in the U.S. and internationally and has been able, in the past, to attract Colorado, national and international teachers as students to her graduate level courses offered through UNC Extended Studies).

  • Students accepted to this program would not need to have completed undergraduate work in dance, although a background in dance as a professional performer or in dance studio classes would be helpful. Having an undergraduate degree in dance would be a plus.

  • If a student has had previous experience in the dance field, please briefly describe those experiences. Such dance experiences could include those from dance studios, public or private K-12 schools or university programs.