
2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog

Engineering Program (Pre-Engineering)

College of Natural and Health Sciences

The pre-engineering program is designed for students who intend to enter an engineering field. Many of these students take approximately two years of coursework at UNC before transferring to a university that offers a degree in engineering. Alternatively, after their second year, students may elect to complete the Engineering Physics Emphasis B.S. program or other science or math program at UNC.

On successful completion of this program, the student will be eligible to transfer to an engineering school in Colorado or elsewhere, or transfer to another science or mathematics program at UNC.

Degree Requirements

Required Major Credits

CHEM 111Principles of Chemistry I


CS 102Structured Programming


ENG 122College Composition


MATH 131Calculus I


MATH 132Calculus II


MATH 233Calculus III


PHYS 240General Physics I


PHYS 241General Physics II


PHYS 321Elementary Modern Physics


NOTES: Elective courses should be carefully selected in consultation with one's advisor. Consult for optimum transfer of credits to an engineering school. Some engineering fields require a second semester of chemistry.

Students in this program register under a physics major with pre-engineering as a second major and must have an advisor in the physics program.