2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

Withdrawal from Class

When a student registers for a class, he or she is considered to be a member of the assigned class. Students are responsible for confirming their schedule by web or in person.

The student may drop a class during the Drop period, normally the first 10 class days of a semester for full-term courses. The dates of the Drop period each semester are listed on the Registrar’s website at www.registrar.unco.edu.

Students may withdraw from individual classes in person or on the web. The first date to withdraw from an individual course is the first class-day immediately after the drop deadline. The last date to withdraw from an individual course is the midpoint of the semester. The withdrawal deadline for an individual short-term class occurs when the class has held 50% of its meetings. Withdrawal deadlines for each semester are also noted on the Registrar’s Website. A “W” appears on the transcript for each class from which a student withdraws. Students may withdraw from all classes at the Registrar's Office through the twelfth week of the term.