2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

Catalog Requirements

Requirements for graduation are checked as follows:

  1. Student completes all degree requirements (the Liberal Arts Core, major(s), minor(s), teacher licensure) as designated in the catalog of the academic year in which his or her primary major is declared.

    NOTE: A change from one major to another (or a change of one emphasis to another within the same major) effects a change of catalog year into the catalog in effect when the major change occurred.

  2. Each catalog is in effect for a six-year time limit.
  3. At the expiration of a catalog’s six-year time limit, the student may select any subsequent catalog up to and including the current one, provided the student is or was in attendance at the University during that academic year.
  4. A student may change at any time to any subsequent catalog year as long as they attended UNC during that academic year; this change requires submission of a major/minor change form (found at http://www.unco.edu/regrec/Current%20Students/Forms/Index.html). If a student’s catalog has expired, the student must also submit a major/minor change form to update their catalog. If a student’s program does not exist in the desired subsequent catalog, the student must instead declare a new program, also using the major/minor change form. If a student’s major or minor has changed names in the subsequent catalog, the student must obtain signature approval from the academic department of the new major or minor.