
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

Foreign Languages B.A. – French Liberal Arts Emphasis

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Contact: Fumiko Fukuta, Ph.D., Chair

Location: Candelaria 0140

Telephone: 970.351.2685

Fax: 970.351.2898

Website: www.unco.edu/foreignlang

Advising Information:

Students must consult with their assigned major advisor each semester prior to registering.

Assigned advisor is available through the Ursa login; ursa.unco.edu; under Student tab Academic Profile channel and is term specific. If no advisor is listed, contact the major program for advisor information.

The program consists of four parts:

  1. Liberal Arts Core (LAC) Credits
  2. Required Major Credits
  3. Required Minor Credits
  4. University-Wide Credits

Program Description:

By applying critical thinking skills at all levels of language learning, foreign language students develop familiarity with contemporary global issues, knowledge of civilization and culture, and a competence for reading and interpreting in their chosen language of study. The study of foreign languages helps students develop functional proficiency in the language, cultural competence, and an understanding of content in other disciplines through the language. Further, this study provides insight into students' own language and culture, and facilitates the use of linguistic and cultural knowledge beyond the classroom. Foreign language majors may further their studies by pursuing a graduate program in their discipline. They may also choose to combine their language studies with a study of education, business, political science, international studies, history, and fine arts, to mention a few. Graduates work in careers in international relations, law, education, public policy, social services, health professions, business, publishing, and the arts. Faculty encourage and assist students in arranging foreign study opportunities. Participation in study abroad programs reinforces and strengthens language acquisition, and heightens cultural awareness and appreciation. The program's extracurricular activities encourage cultural consciousness and communication skills while developing leadership, organizational, and promotional abilities. Participation is optional. Activities include regularly scheduled conversation credits, language immersion weekends, World Language Day, and Foreign Language Clubs.

The French Liberal Arts Major stresses communicative language learning that recognizes language acquisition as a dynamic process of discovery in which students develop the ability to use the French language for specific communication purposes. This skill-using approach is obtained through content-based instruction at all levels and is complemented by authentic audio visual and textual materials. Optional participation in extracurricular programs and activities which include immersion weekends and conversation circles (Bavardage) further enhance functional proficiency.

Program Admission Requirements:

  • All work to be counted toward the degree must be beyond the first year level.
  • Advising and advisor's signature are required each semester before registration.

Program Requirements:

  • Unless otherwise noted, all courses with the FR prefix are conducted in French.
  • Students must demonstrate competency in certain areas of language activity: oral and written proficiency in foreign language, ability to apply one's knowledge of the culture to appropriate situations in a foreign language environment. Consult program advisor.
  • To graduate with a Foreign Language degree, students must have a 2.5 grade point average in those courses that count toward the major and that were taken at UNC.

Degree Requirements 120 — Credits

Degree Requirements

1. Required Specified LAC — 6 credits

LAC area 3.d. — Foreign Languages

FR 201Intermediate French I


FR 202Intermediate French II


Remaining LAC — 34 credits

See “Liberal Arts Core”.

2. Required Major — 29 credits

Take all of the following courses:

FR 251Intermediate French Lab I


FR 252Intermediate French Lab II


FR 301France & Francophonie I


FR 302France & Francophonie II


FR 311French Civilization and Literature Survey I


FR 312French Civilization and Literature Survey II


FR 407French Phonetics and Oral Proficiency


Choose two of the following courses:

FR 411France Then and Now


FR 412French Politics and Society


FR 413The Francophone World


FR 414Language and Society


Choose two offerings from the two repeatable, variable-topic courses

FR 450Readings in French Literature


FR 475Research Seminar: French Texts and Contexts


3. Required Minor — 18 credits

Students must complete a minor approved by the program.

4. University-Wide Credits — 33 credits

Complete additional credits to achieve the minimum credits needed for this degree at UNC; for this degree, that will typically be 33 credits