2015-2016 Spring Supplemental Graduate

Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements are checked in accordance with the university Catalog and Degree Works. The student must specify the Catalog under which he/she wishes to be evaluated and must meet all requirements in that Catalog. The Catalog used to meet graduation requirements is normally the one published for the academic year during which the student first enrolls after admission to the university.


The student may select any subsequent Catalog up to and including the current one, provided the student was in attendance at the university during that academic year. However, a student may not choose to meet partial requirements in one version of the Catalog and other requirements in another version of the Catalog.

To graduate in any given semester, all graduation requirements must be completed (with relevant documentation submitted to the Office of the Registrar and Graduate School, as necessary) by the Wednesday prior to the date that diplomas are released for the semester.

Degrees are not awarded during the Interim term; students who complete their graduation requirements in an Interim term are considered graduates of the subsequent Spring semester.