2015-2016 Graduate Catalog

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

School of Special Education

EDSE 506 Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings

Introductory course designed for regular classroom teachers with information about various disabilities and the gifted/talented. Emphasis on identifying, accommodating and adapting for students in inclusive settings.


EDSE 507 Field-Based Experience

The special education teacher candidate will be provided opportunities to observe, analyze and reflect on issues including diversity, professionalism, best practices in teaching, rights and responsibilities, and instruction in a K-12 special education setting. EDSE 507 is a self-paced, module-based course, delivered through Blackboard. Assignments for EDSE 507 are described within eight modules. In addition to the eight modules, observations (70 hours) are required.


EDSE 508 Workshop

A variety of workshops on special topics within the discipline. Goals and objectives will emphasize the acquisition of general knowledge and skills in the discipline. Repeatable, under different subtitles.


EDSE 509 Strategies for Students with Exceptionalities

Provides effective strategies to educate all students, particularly at secondary level. Overviews special education process and inclusive education models; characteristics, transitional needs, and culturally/linguistically different exceptional learners and their families.


EDSE 510 Foundations of Special Education

This course is designed to provide the historical and legal foundations of special education and the educational implications for educators of students with exceptionalities.


EDSE 511 Learning Environments and Cultural Considerations

This course provides an overview of learning environments, collaboration and consultation among teachers, related services professionals, and families, and emphasizes culturally appropriate communication strategies.


EDSE 512 Assessment, IEP Development and Instructional Planning

Students gain knowledge and skills for selecting, adapting, and using assessments, developing Individualized Education Programs, and planning instruction within a continuum of service delivery models.


EDSE 513 Professional Renewal

Update skills and knowledge of professionals in the discipline. Goals and objectives will be specifically directed at individual professional enhancement rather than the acquisition of general discipline knowledge or methodologies. S/U or letter graded. Repeatable, under different subtitles.


EDSE 517 Alternate Field Based Experience

The special education teacher candidate will be provided opportunities to observe, analyze and compare/contrast special education programming in the United States to that of the teacher candidate's home country. The teacher candidate will reflect on issues including diversity, professionalism, best practices in teaching, student's rights and responsibilities, and instruction as related to K-12 special education settings. EDSE 517 is a self-paced, module-based course. Classroom observation hours are required. Individual assistance is provided as needed.


EDSE 528 Linguistically Diverse Students with Low Incidence Disabilities

Prerequisites: Regular admission into one of the Special Education Severe Needs Programs, or completion of one of the programs. Introduce instructional and assessment issues related to the education of linguistically diverse students with low incidence disabilities.


EDSE 530 Family/Professional Partnerships

The course promotes in-depth reflection on collaboration with families of young children using a case method of instruction. Family systems perspectives and family centered approaches are emphasized.


EDSE 531 Assessment and Planning in Early Childhood Special Education

The course explores theory and application of assessment methods in Early Childhood Special Education. Cross-disciplinary approaches, matching assessment procedures to the intended purpose, and linked assessment/planning systems are emphasized.


EDSE 532 Typical and Atypical Early Child Development: Application to Early Childhood Special Education

The course will explore typical and atypical patters of early child development; biological, cultural, and environmental influences; and implications for appropriate practice in Early Childhood Special Education.


EDSE 533 Curriculum and Instruction in Early Childhood Special Education

The course explores recommended practices for inclusive education of young children with developmental concerns. Developmentally appropriate, individally responsive, cross-disciplinary, and evidence-based practices are emphasized across developmental domains.


EDSE 534 Research, Policy, and Advocacy in Early Childhood Special Education

The course explores efficacy research, state and federal policies and systems, nationally recommended practices, and advocacy processes that support high quality services in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE).


EDSE 535 Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education

Prerequisites: EDFE 130 and passed PLACE/PRAXIS text. In their practicum experience, students build on knowledge and competencies gained throughout their master's program to synthesize their knowledge and apply recommended practices in ECSE settings.


EDSE 537 Practicum in EC/ESCE: Infants and Toddlers

Prerequisites: Pass ECSE PLACE or PRAXIS II, Pass Elem Content PLACE or PRAXIS II or documented Elem Ed License, Completion of PTEP courses (if any), Instructor consent. Students build on knowledge and competencies gained throughout their master’s program to synthesize their knowledge and apply recommended practices in EC/ECSE settings for children birth to 3 years of age.  Repeatable, maximum of six hours.


EDSE 538 Practicum in EC/ECSE: 3-5 years

Prerequisites: Pass ECSE PLACE or PRAXIS II, Pass Elem Content PLACE or PRAXIS II or documented Elem Ed License, Completion of PTEP courses (if any), Instructor consent. Students build on knowledge and competencies gained throughout their master’s program to synthesize their knowledge and apply recommended practices in EC/ECSE settings for children 3-5 years of age. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.


EDSE 539 Practicum in EC/ECSE: 5-8 years

Prerequisites: Pass ECSE PLACE or PRAXIS II, Pass Elem Content PLACE or PRAXIS II or documented Elem Ed License, Completion of PTEP courses (if any), Instructor consent. Students build on knowledge and competencies gained throughout their master’s program to synthesize their knowledge and apply recommended practices in EC/ECSE settings for children 5-8 years of age. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.


EDSE 540 Independent Living for Individuals with Visual Disabilities

Required laboratory arranged. Gain ability to understand the use of adapted materials and techniques in teaching independent living to individuals with visual disabilities. Emphasis given to recreational areas. Repeatable, maximum of 2 credits.


EDSE 541 Introduction to Visual Impairment and Deaf-Blindness

Historical perspectives and current educational services for the student with visual impairment and deaf-blindness across the lifespan. Emphasis is placed on growth and development and psychosocial effects of visual impairment.


EDSE 542 Assessment and Methods for Teaching Students with Visual/Multiple Disabilities

Prerequisite: EDFE 120 or EDFE 125 or certification at undergraduate level required. Discuss causes, characteristics, educational implications and instructional methods for student with visual/multiple disabilities. Learn effective teaming and collaborative planning strategies.


EDSE 543 Braille Codes and Formats

Study literary and nemeth codes, basic abacus operations. Techniques of teaching literacy skills to students with visual disabilities are included.


EDSE 546 Principles of Orientation and Mobility

Philosophy and history of cane instruction, dog guides and other methods of travel. Techniques in developing orientation skills and pre- cane mobility instruction. Gross motor and concept development are presented.


EDSE 547 Individual Instruction in Orientation and Mobility

Prerequisite: EDFE 120 or EDFE 125  and EDSE 546 or certification at undergraduate level required. Consent of instructor. Required laboratory arranged. A study of methods involved in general navigation and environmental awareness relating to severe vision needs. Travel techniques are gained while working under simulated conditions. Repeatable, maximum of four credits.


EDSE 548 Medical and Educational Implications of Visual Impairments

Anatomy and physiology of the eye, medical and educational assessment of low vision and functional implications of various eye conditions. Techniques to develop use of functional vision.


EDSE 549 Assessment of Students with Visual Impairments

Prerequisites: EDSE 541 and EDSE 548. Assessment procedures related to learners with visual impairments. Determination of learning needs and appropriate learning media. Relationship of assessment, IEP development and placement.


EDSE 550 Foundations of Deaf Education

This course is designed to provide the historical, legal, and cultural foundations of deaf education and the educational implications for the teacher and student who is deaf or hard of hearing.


EDSE 597 Effective Instruction in Special Education

This course addresses how to provide curriculum access and effectively teach skills in literacy, math, and general education content areas for students with exceptionalities. Emphasis is placed on evidence-based practices for targeted and embedded instruction of discrete skills in reading and math, and evidence-based strategies for adapting lesson plan formats and delivery modes to assure content access and student progress.


EDSE 613 Applied Assessment

Prerequisites: EDFE 125 and EDSE 512 required. Students develop assessment skills related to students with disabilities focusing on principles, purposes, and the practice of assessment tools, including formal and informal measures.


EDSE 614 Behavioral Interventions

Prerequisites: EDFE 125. This course is designed to provide special educators with researched-based assessment and intervention strategies for working with individuals who have behavioral needs.


EDSE 615 Special Education Law: Cases and Trends

Enhances student’s skills to read integratively special education laws and ensuing litigation. Readings will include public laws, court transcripts and a selected case synopsis(es) pertaining to a particular exceptionality.


EDSE 616 Scientifically Based Literacy Interventions

Prerequisites: EDFE 125. This course provides scientifically based literacy interventions for learners with exceptional needs including theoretical models related to interventions addressing the five reading components (i.e., phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency).


EDSE 617 Mathematics and Content Area Learning for Students with Disabilities

Prerequisites: EDFE 125. This course prepares teachers to teach mathematics and content areas to students with disabilities. Scientifically research-based and validated methods will be emphasized for effective instruction, technology use, and collaborative support.


EDSE 618 Educating Students with Significant Support Needs

Prerequisites: EDFE 125. This course addresses planning, managing, and collaboratively delivering educational plans and interventions for students with severe disabilities. It addresses academic, communication, behavioral, medical, and unique individual needs, K-12.


EDSE 619 Secondary Services

Prerequisites: EDFE 125. This course includes an overview of transition services, academic strategies, community-based instruction, and contextual learning in a standards-based framework. Student self-determination and interagency coordination is included.


EDSE 622 Directed Studies

Individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a faculty member. (Minimum of 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour.) Repeatable, maximum concurrent enrollment is two times.


EDSE 624 Communication, Sensory, and Social Skills Strategies for Working with Students with Autism

This course provides strategies for assessing and planning for instruction in communication, assistive technology, sensory needs and social skills for students on the autism spectrum including service delivery options, developing and implementing communication skills using evidence-based practices settings.


EDSE 625 Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers

Course content focuses on applied behavior analysis, target behaviors, functional behavior assessment and analysis procedures, recording behavior, interpreting and creating graphic displays, behavioral interventions, reinforcement schedules, self-management, and generalization and maintenance of behavioral change.


EDSE 626 Instructional and Behavioral Interventions for Students on the Autism Spectrum

This course will focus on evaluating current instructional and behavioral interventions for children who are on the autism spectrum. Content will also be designed to provide learners with thorough background knowledge about interventions that are "effective" and "ineffective" as evidenced by their outcome data.


EDSE 630 Applied Behavior Analysis I

Prerequisite: APCE 629. This course covers functional behavior assessment, functional assessment of academics, and selecting and prioritizing target behaviors.


EDSE 632 Ethics in Applied Behavior Analysis

Prerequisite: APCE 631. This course covers professional and ethical compliance for behavior analysis.


EDSE 633 Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis

Prerequisite: EDSE 630. This course addresses applied behavior analysis for individuals across the lifespan, including supervision, academic and cultural considerations, persons with autism and traumatic brain injury, and behavior change systems.


EDSE 640 Methods of Teaching Students with Visual Impairment

Prerequisites: EDFE 120 or EDFE 125 and EDSE 541, EDSE 548. Curriculum development, adaptations, and teaching methodology for individuals with visual impairments. Modification of general and functional curricular areas. Emphasis on methods of teaching skills and the core curriculum.


EDSE 642 Advanced Seminar in Education of Students with Visual Disabilities

Prerequisites: Enrollment prior to or concurrent with EDSE 644EDFE 120 or EDFE 125. Role and responsibilities of the teacher of students with visual impairments as an educational team member, professionalism, ethics, consultation and collaborative partnerships, and social skill development. Full PTEP Admittance.


EDSE 644 Practicum in Education of Students with Visual Impairments K-12

Prerequisites: EDFE 120 or EDFE 125 and EDFE 130 and EDSE 541, EDSE 543, EDSE 546, EDSE 548, EDSE 549, EDSE 640, EDSE 645 or certification at undergraduate level required. Consent of instructor. Supervised teaching experience with students with visual disabilities, K-12, planning and implementing lessons, preparing materials, participating in staffings, IEP/ IFSP development and parent conferences. Repeatable, maximum of 12 credits.


EDSE 645 Advanced Braille Codes and Formats

Prerequisites: EDSE 543 or proof of mastery from an approved examination or other demonstration of basic literary braille skills. Instruction in Nemeth Code (braille math code). Introduction to advanced braille codes, formats and techniques for teaching skills in each code including music, foreign language, chemistry, and computer braille.


EDSE 647 Applied Methods in Orientation and Mobility

Prerequisites: EDSE 546. Consent of instructor required or certification at undergraduate level required. Weekly seminar explores methods and strategies for teaching independent travel techniques to students with visual and other disabilities. Student provides individualized instruction to visually impaired person with faculty supervision.


EDSE 648 Practicum in Orientation and Mobility

Prerequisites: EDFE 120 or EDFE 125 or certification at undergraduate level required. Orientation and Mobility Endorsement students only. Consent of major advisor required. Supervised teaching experience with both blind and low vision individuals in orientation and mobility. Observation of varied programs; e.g., resource room itinerant plan, residential school and rehabilitation settings. Repeatable, maximum of 9 credits.


EDSE 651 Collaboration: Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Prerequisites: EDFE 120 or EDFE 125 and EDSE 550. Integration of theoretical and practical considerations involved in collaborating with families, service providers, and agencies.


EDSE 652 Auditory Skill Development: Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Develop the knowledge and skills to assess and to teach auditory skill development to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Field experience required.


EDSE 653 Speech: Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Develop knowledge and skills to assess and to teach spoken language to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Field experience required.


EDSE 654 Language: Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Develop knowledge and skills to assess and facilitate the development of language skills of individuals who aredeaf or hard of hearing. Field experience required.


EDSE 655 Literacy: Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Develop knowledge and skills to assess and facilitate the development of literacy in individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Field experience required.


EDSE 656 Curriculum and Instruction: Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Develop the knowledge and skills to assess and to teach academic content to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Field experience required.


EDSE 657 Practicum: Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Individual observation and supervised practice in the education of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Repeatable, maximum of 12 credits.


EDSE 670 Legal and Policy Foundations of Special Education

This course is designed for school personnel who are impacted by special education law. The course focuses on federal and state special education statutes, regulations, and case law.


EDSE 672 Leadership in the School Community

Foundational grounding for prospective teacher leaders to function as highly facilitative special educators who demonstrate leadership necessary to effectively interact with diverse populations including students, teachers, administrators, and parents.


EDSE 673 Research and Reflective Practice

The role of inquiry in identifying promising practices is examined. Action research is highlighted, culminating in a work sample in which scientifically based interventions are designed, assessed, and described.


EDSE 675 Issues in Special Education Assessment

Provides a comprehensive perspective of assessment development, implementation, interpretation, and implications of results to inform educational practices including the practice of monitoring progress and collaborating with individuals, families and professionals.


EDSE 676 Assessment and Interventions for Students with Challenging Behaviors

Designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to supervise, coach, assess, and model a continuum of behavior support for teachers, paraprofessionals and other educators in the school, home, and community.


EDSE 677 Transition to Adulthood for Youth with Exceptionalities

This course includes in-depth investigation into the provision of transition services and secondary services. Topics include transition-focused standards-based IEP development, self-determination, interagency coordination, career educational strategies, and content enhancement routines.


EDSE 678 Strategies for Students with Autism/Significant Needs

This course provides a historical perspective and an overview of assessment, planning and instructional strategies for working with students on the autism spectrum as well as students with significant support needs in K-12 settings.


EDSE 679 Interventions for Students with Cultural and Linguistic Differences

This course critically analyzes issues of equity through a culturally responsive lens as it applies to assessment, interventions, and education of all students including those with diverse backgrounds.


EDSE 680 Administration and Supervision of Special Education

Designed to review problems and strategic opportunities in the administration and supervision of special education programs and services. Emphases include leadership and management, organizational planning and change, and strategic thinking.


EDSE 681 Administrative Planning and Program Evaluation in Special Education

Prepares individuals to conduct program/service evaluations, organize data for decision-making purposes, understand resource utilization, develop collaborative partnerships, and integrate systems of accountability into other administrative functions.


EDSE 682 Foundations in Gifted Education

The purpose of this course is to address the foundational underpinnings of gifted and talented education, including the history of the field; pertinent theories and research in the area of intelligence, creativity, and human development; knowledge of public policy; current brain research; and how these concepts can be applied in educational settings.


EDSE 683 The Gifted Learner: Nature and Needs

The knowledge base of definitions, characteristics, traits and needs of diverse groups of learners with gifts and talents will be examined. Emphasis is placed on identification, assessment and appropriate placements.


EDSE 684 Assessment and Identification in Gifted Education

Prerequisites: EDSE 682 and EDSE 683. The content of this course includes procedures in the assessment of students for the purpose of selecting appropriate and relevant educational strategies, and identifying students for services and programs.


EDSE 685 Curriculum & Instructional Practice in Gifted Education

This course focuses on development of curriculum and implementation of teaching practices centered on discipline-based knowledge, learning styles, cultural variation, depth and complexity of content, and provisions for independent investigation.


EDSE 686 Emotional and Social Development of the Gifted and Talented

This course is designed for learners to develop a knowledge base of the affective, social and cognitive development and needs of the various types of gifted students.


EDSE 687 Program Strategies and Services for the Gifted and Talented

Prerequisite: EDSE 683. This course addresses the basic program models, strategies and services necessary for developing appropriate education for the gifted. Real-life scenarios are basic in determining appropriate strategies and services.


EDSE 688 Communication and Leadership in Gifted Education

Topics include communication, consultation and collaboration for the implementation of education for the gifted and talented. Teachers are a main source of leadership for school, district and state levels.


EDSE 689 Creativity in Gifted Education

The focus of this course is the examination of theories of creativity, research in creativity and the teaching of creative thinking skills in the context of gifted education programming.


EDSE 690 Highest Levels of Learning for the Gifted and Talented

Prerequisite: EDSE 682, EDSE 683, EDSE 685. This capstone seminar is designed for learners to synthesize knowledge and skills regarding cognitive needs of students who are gifted and talented. Emphasis is on enrichment/acceleration, inquiry, seminars, in depth studies.


EDSE 691 Practicum in Teaching the Gifted and Talented

Prerequisites: EDSE 683, EDSE 685, EDSE 687 and EDFE 130. Emphasize actual teaching and facilitation of learners who are gifted, talented, creative in actual supervised teaching experiences. Repeatable, maximum of 12 credits.


EDSE 693 Practicum in Special Education

Prerequisites: EDFE 125. This course includes an overview of transition services, academic strategies, community-based instruction, and contextual learning in a standards-based framework. Student self-determination and interagency coordination is included.


EDSE 696 Practicum in Instructional Coaching

Prerequisites: Course is available to graduate students enrolled in the Intervention Specialist graduate degree program, and other graduate students as approved individually by their University program advisor. Supervised program of orientation, observation, and participation in an assigned placement to develop instructional coaching roles and responsibilities. 45 contact hours of supervised professional coaching and related experiences in a local school district or agency setting for each semester hour completed. Repeatable, maximum of 9 credits.


EDSE 697 Externship in Special Education: Administration

Instructor consent. Supervised program of orientation, observation, and participation designed to provide linkages between theory and practice in leadership and management of special education. Director of Special Education endorsement (post-Masters) only. Repeatable, maximum of 12 credits.


EDSE 701 Introduction to Doctoral Study in Exceptionalities

Develop knowledge, skills, concepts, and attitudes necessary for special and gifted educators to effectively interact with diverse populations. Emphasis on development of individual goals/specific activities within prograwm. S/U graded.


EDSE 702 Law of Exceptionalities

Doctoral level course that includes the analysis and interpretation of federal, state, and case law relevant to teaching students with exceptionalities in a variety of educational settings.


EDSE 718 Advanced Seminar in Education of Students with Hearing and/or Visual Handicaps

Investigation of the issues and trends in education of infants, children and youth with hearing and/or visual disabilities: focus on research, curriculum, instructional strategies and other administrative concerns.


EDSE 721 Theories of Exceptionality

In-depth study of special education's enrichment by conceptions of the nature of exceptionality, learning and instruction that have and are emerging from biological and sociocultural constructivism, phenomenology and holism.


EDSE 727 Issues and Trends in Exceptionalities

Investigates current issues and trends in special and gifted education,with specific focus on policy, research, curriculum, and instructional strategies.


EDSE 728 Professional Writing

Explores purposes, protocols, and processes for professional writing; critical review of student writing by students and faculty. Focus on research reports, practitioner articles, research.


EDSE 730 Externship in Exceptionalities

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor and submission of an externship proposal 1 semester prior to enrollment. This course should be taken prior to submission of dissertation proposal. The externship requires 180 hours of supervised activities outside of UNC to expand the learner's knowledge base in a setting related to services for students with exceptionalities. Repeatable under different subtitles.

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EDSE 732 Research in Exceptionalities

Examines research design and methods used in special and gifted education. Emphasis on developing skills necessary to understand the relationship between research strategies and problems in special and gifted education.


EDSE 733 Preparing Teachers of Students with Exceptionalities

Gain knowledge and skills to prepare teachers of students with exceptionalities. Content includes course syllabi development, application of research-based practices tocourse development, and mentoring and evaluating personnel.


EDSE 744 Grant Writing Seminar

Develops grant writing skills essential for doctoral level personnel in special and gifted education, including identifying federal and state funding sources, panel reviews, and development of proposals, budgets, and evaluation.


EDSE 745 Advanced Doctoral Seminar

Prerequisites: EDSE 702 and EDSE 732. Designed for third-year students, this course explores contemporary issues in exceptionality education and identifies strategies to address, ameliorate, and/or accommodate these issues within the greater context of education and society.


EDSE 797 Doctoral Proposal Research

Explores dissertation research problems, theoretical frameworks, methodology, and data analysis procedures expected to develop an approved dissertation proposal. S/U graded. Repeatable, maximum of four credits.


EDSE 799 Doctoral Dissertation

Permission of major advisor. Required of all doctoral candidates. A student must earn 12 hours of credit for the dissertation as a partial fulfillment of requirements for any doctoral. S/U graded. Repeatable, no limitations.


EDSE 999 Graduate School Continuous Registration

To permit a graduate student to continue making progress in a degree program. S/U graded. Repeatable, no limitations.