
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog

Bilingual Bicultural Education (English/Spanish, K-Grade 12)

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Requirements — 18 Credits

The graduate Bilingual Education Endorsement Program was created with the primary goal to help educators support and enhance the biliteracy skills of students in their classrooms, and to address the critical shortage of Linguistically Diverse: Bilingual Specialists throughout the state of Colorado. This program is offered to educators who already hold a teaching licensure and the Colorado LInguistically Diverse Education Endorsement (ESL) or equivalent. The program requires the completion of 18 semester hours. After the completion of the program, students must pass the Bilingual Education PLACE Exam to be eligible for the Bilingual Education Specialist state endorsement. Requirements for program admission include: Admission to the Graduate School; a teaching licensure; the Colorado Linguistically Diverse (ESL) endorsement; and evidence of Spanish fluency.


Required Credits — 18 hours

ECLD 600Literacy and Content Area Instruction in Spanish Bilingual Classrooms


ECLD 604Field Experience in Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education


ECLD 605Seminar in Multilingual Teaching and Learning I


ECLD 606Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners in the U.S. Educational System


SPAN 555Literature for Children and Adolescents


3 Graduate Credits of Spanish Language with approval of advisor