2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog

CRJ 220 Policing Systems

Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). Introduces the philosophy and techniques of policing including the history, traditions, and social developments resulting in present systems. Focus on the nature of police work, police discretion, and community relations.


CRJ 230 Judicial Process

Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). A study of the American judicial system with emphasis on its structure, function, and process. Focus on the role, function, and behavior of prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges and jurors.


CRJ 240 Correctional Systems

Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). Analysis and evaluation of contemporary institutional and community correctional systems including jails, prisons, probation, parole, and alternative sanctioning.  Examines punishment justifications and reviews correctional practices for juvenile and adult offenders.


CRJ 260 Introduction to Crime Theories

Presents an overview of historical and modern theories used to explain criminal behavior, how theories of crime are measured, and empirical support for various criminological theories.