2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog

PSY 200 Psychological Statistics and Design

(3 Lecture) Prerequisite: PSY 120 and LAC Math Course (MATH 120 or MATH 124 suggested). Majors only. Covers basic statistical analysis procedures. Emphasizes descriptive and inferential statistics as well as computer applications for data manipulation.


PSY 230 Human Growth and Development

Introduction to the science of developmental psychology. Study basic concepts and issues related to cognitive, socioemotional and physical development from conception through senescence. (LAC, gtP)


PSY 255 Abnormal Psychology

Prerequisite: PSY 120. Study abnormal behavior: causes, symptoms, characteristics, classification, prevention and treatment.


PSY 265 Social Psychology

Survey major areas of social psychology, discussing nature of and factors involved in human social behavior, impression management, prosocial behavior, aggression, conformity, obedience to authority, attitude change and interpersonal attraction. (LAC, gtP)


PSY 271 Psychological Testing and Measurements

Prerequisite: PSY 120. Receive an introduction to psychological test theory, interpretation of results, group and individual tests (cognitive, affective and psychomotor), reliability, validity and standardization procedures.


PSY 280 Psychology of Human Sexuality

Prerequisite: PSY 120. The Psychology of Human Sexuality is a survey course in human reproductive behavior. Topics include pregnancy and contraception, behaviors associated with the spread of sexuality transmitted infections, romance and coupling behavior, sex trades, sexual orientation, gender identity, aberrant sexual behavior and sexual dysfunction. Psychology and behavior of sexuality will be stressed.