
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog

Software Engineering B.S.

Monfort College of Business

Contact: Charmayne Cullom, Ph.D., Professor of CIS

Location: Kepner 0095 E

Telephone: 970.351.1220

Advising Information:

Students must consult with their assigned major advisor each semester prior to registering.

Assigned advisor is available through the Ursa login; ursa.unco.edu; under Student tab Academic Profile channel and is term specific. If no advisor is listed, contact the Administrative Assistant, Department of Accounting and CIS.

The program consists of four parts:

  1. Liberal Arts Core (LAC) Credits
  2. Required Major Credits
  3. Required Minor Credits
  4. University-Wide Credits

Program Description:

The Software Engineering program prepares students to apply a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development of software employing technology independent standard processes.  Course content provides understanding and experiences in determining software requirements, software design fundamentals, software project planning, software metrics, and testing and application development.

Graduates will be able to communicate technical requirements, design patterns and system specifications in writing and orally, design and develop software to solve complex problems, understand and apply basic principles of computer engineering, and understand and apply professional ethics.

Program Admission Requirements:

Incoming freshman admission standards are based on the Colorado Commission of Higher Education (CCHE) composite index, which is a sliding scale based on achievement test score and high school rank.  Freshman with a CCHE of at least 100 may be admitted to the Software Engineering program when applying for admission to UNC.  Students with a GED score of at least 570 may be admitted to the Software Engineering program when applying for admission to UNC. 

Transfer students are admitted to the Software Engineering program provided that they meet the Monfort College of Business admission requirements in place at the time of application.  Students who transfer with less than 15 semester hours of college level coursework may qualify for admission the Software Engineering program provided they meet the freshman admission requirements specified above.

Some students may qualify to submit an application for admission to the Software Engineering major.  These students include transfer students with at least 15 hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.5-2.99 and UNC students who have completed a total of 15 hours at UNC with a cumulative UNC GPA of 2.5-2.99.  Students may apply with the Administrative Assistant in the Department of Accounting and Computer Information Systems located in Kepner 2090.

  • Freshman with a Colorado Commission for Higher Education index of at least 100 may be admitted to the Software Engineering program when applying for admission to UNC.
  • Freshman with a GED score of at least 570 may be admitted to Software Engineering program when applying for admission to UNC.
  • Freshman who have a Colorado Commission for Higher Education index of 99 or lower must complete 15 credit hours at UNC and attain a GPA of at least a 3.0.
  • Students who have completed 15 or more credit hours and have a cumulative GPA between 2.5 and 2.99 may apply for admission to Software Engineering by contacting the Department of Accounting and Computer Information Systems in Kepner 2090.

Program Requirements

  • At least 44 credit hours of the degree must be earned at UNC.
  • Attain a 2.0 or greater GPA in the required major and specified LAC courses.
  • Attain at least a "C-" in each required major and specified LAC course.

Degree Requirements — 120 Credits

Degree Requirements

1. Required Specified LAC — 15 credits

LAC area 1b — Intermediate Composition

ENG 123College Research Paper



SCI 291Scientific Writing


LAC area 2 — Mathematics

MATH 131Calculus I


LAC area 6 — Physical and Life Sciences

Choose one of the following courses:

PHYS 220Introductory Physics I


PHYS 240General Physics I


LAC Elective

CS 101Introduction to Computer Science


Remaining LAC — 27 credits

See “Liberal Arts Core”.

2. Required Major – 52 credits

No more than 12 of the following credit hours may be transferred from another institution.
Of the 12 hours, no more than 9 hours of 300/400 level courses may be transferred in from another institution.

Required Courses — 43 credits

Take all of the following courses:

BACS 180Introduction to Software Engineering


BACS 200Web Design and Development for Small Business


BACS 287Graphical Interface Programming


BACS 300Information Systems


BACS 350Intermediate Web Development


BACS 380Networking and Data Communications Systems


BACS 383Designing User Experiences


BACS 385Fundamentals of Project Management


BACS 485Database Management Systems


BACS 487Systems Analysis and Design


CS 102Structured Programming


CS 200Object-Oriented Analysis, Design, and Programming


CS 301Algorithms and Data Structures


CS 350Software Engineering I


CS 440Operating Systems


Required Senior Project — 3 credits

Choose one of the following courses:

BACS 488Senior CIS Project


CS 497Senior Project


Major Electives — 6 credits

Choose two of the following courses:

BACS 382TCP/IP Network Security


BACS 387Object Oriented System Development


BACS 492Internship in Computer Information Systems


CS 302Programming Languages


CS 442Networking


CS 480Graphics


3. Required Minor — 18 credits

Choose any minor other than Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, or Network and Information Systems Security.

4. University-Wide Credits — 8 credits

Complete additional credits to achieve the minimum credits needed for this degree at UNC; for this degree, that will typically be 8 credits.