
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog

Criminal Investigation Certificate Program

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Certificate Requirements — 15 Credits

This five-course certificate program is designed for criminal justice majors or professionals working in the field of criminal justice who want to learn about many aspects of criminal investigation. The courses for the Certificate Program are designed to give participants 'real' world skills. The Criminal Justice Certificate program will provide students with the knowledge to appropriately apply procedures and latest scientific techniques for evaluating and processing crime scenes.

Certificate Requirements

Elective Credits - 9 credits

Choose from the following:

CRJ 362Criminal Profiling


CRJ 402Death Investigation


CRJ 405Bloodstain Pattern Analysis


CRJ 406Shooting Reconstruction


CRJ 408Workshop


Students must receive a C or better (a C- is not acceptable) in each course and successfully pass the comprehensive exam given after 5 courses are completed.

Required Credits – 6 credits

CRJ 403Crime Scene Investigation


CRJ 404Evidentiary Photography