Graduate Exchange Program with CU/CSU/School of Mines
The state has authorized graduate students to take one course per term at another state-supported institution without charge. Participating institutions include Colorado State University, University of Colorado and Colorado School of Mines.
Registration Criteria:
- Students must be full time (9 credits) at UNC and in a Graduate degree program.
- Continuing Education, on-line courses and distance delivered courses are not eligible as exchange agreement courses and are not considered as part of the full-time enrollment status criteria.
- The exchange class cannot be offered at UNC or scheduled in such a way that the student can enroll in the class at UNC.
- Registration information and applications can be obtained at the UNC Registrar's Office, Carter Hall 3002.
- Both a representative of the Graduate School and the student's advisor need to sign the form giving approval for the course. This form must be completed and submitted before the registration period for the class begins.
Once the exchange has been approved, the Registrar's Office will send the form to the "host" institution. Registration processes at host institutions vary so please check with the host institution’s Registrar's Office for more information on how to register. Students are responsible for registering for the course.
A student’s grade is sent back to UNC by the host institution on the Exchange Agreement form and then recorded on the UNC transcript as non-residency transfer work. Students should remind the instructor to submit the Exchange Form with the grade to the host Registrar's Office after the course is completed.