K-12 Education, Post Baccalaureate Licensure (K-Grade 12)
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
See http://uncpostbac.com
Admission requirements
- A completed baccalaureate degree in one of the following licensure areas: Sport and Exercise Science, Music or Visual Arts. Students will have their transcripts evaluated for major content; additional content classes may e required. Persons with a non-related degree may declare a Second Bachelor's Degree.
- Applicants desiring to count licensure hours toward a Master of Arts or Master of Science degree in any area must apply concurrently to the Graduate School (for admission into the MA or MS degree program) and to the Post-Baccalaureate Licensure program in K12. EDFE 555 cannot be used as hours toward a Master’s Degree.
- An interview with an appropriate content advisor is required.
- Applicants must have an overall 3.0 GPA for admission. If the grade point average is below 3.0, the applicant is required to provide evidence of qualifications sufficient to pursue graduate education.
Required Common PTEP — 21 credit hours
EDF 500 | Conceptions of Schooling | 3 |
EDFE 125 | Application for Graduate Licensure Admission to PTEP | 0 |
EDFE 130 | Application for Student Teaching | 0 |
EDFE 555 | Supervised Student Teaching | 1-9 |
EDRD 523 | Reading and Writing in the Content Areas | 3 |
EDSE 509 | Strategies for Students with Exceptionalities | 3 |
PSY 500 | Educational Psychology for Teachers | 3 |
Candidates must pass the Praxis or Place test prior to Student Teaching.
Candidates may not take extra courses with Student Teaching without prior approval from the Program Coordinator and the STE Director.
All PTEP Field Experiences and methods courses need to be successfully completed prior to Student Teaching.
Student Teaching outside the supervision of UNC Faculty may or may not be approved.
Teacher Candidates will not be placed in a school where they were once students or where they have a close relative attending and/or working.
Select one of the three Content Area Program of Studies:
Physical Education (Sport and Exercise Science) — 49 credit hours
Content Courses
Outdoor Activity (select one)
Target Sport (select one)
Swimming (select one)
The following 10 hours:
PTEP Courses
SES 170 | Introduction to Field Based Experience | 1 |
SES 266 | Introduction to Physical Education as a Profession | 3 |
SES 323 | Motor Learning and Development | 3 |
SES 338 | Teaching Diverse Populations | 3 |
SES 342 | Teaching Health-Related Fitness | 3 |
SES 440 | Developing Pedagogical Skills in Elementary Physical Education | 4 |
SES 442 | Developing Pedagogical Skills in Secondary Physical Education | 4 |
SES 612 | Assessment in Sport Pedagogy | 3 |
SES 614 | Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education | 3 |
SES 641 | Instructional Strategies for Elementary School Physical Education | 3 |
SES 642 | Instructional Strategies for Secondary School Physical Education | 3 |
SES 688 | Legal Aspects of Sport | 3 |
Music - Instrumental Track
Foundational Courses
Vocal/General/Piano Track
Foundational Courses
PTEP Preparation Courses - Instrumental Track
MUS 292 | Marching Band | 1 |
MUS 319 | Instrumental Techniques and Conducting | 1 |
MUS 320 | Wind Literature, Pedagogy and Conducting | 2 |
MUS 330 | String Techniques | 1 |
MUS 360 | Voice Class | 1 |
MUS 361 | Single Reed and Flute Class | 1 |
MUS 362 | Double Reed Class | 1 |
MUS 364 | Brass and Percussion Class | 2 |
MUS 492 | Marching Band | 1 |
| Individual Performance | 14 |
| Major Ensemble | 7 |
| Piano Proficiency Examination | 0 |
PTEP Preparation Courses - Vocal/General/Piano Track
MUS 314 | Guitar in the Classroom | 1 |
MUS 323 | Choral Techniques and Conducting | 2 |
MUS 330 | String Techniques | 1 |
MUS 361 | Single Reed and Flute Class | 1 |
MUS 367 | Materials and Techniques for Brass and Percussion | 1 |
MUS 410 | Vocal Pedagogy | 2 |
| Individual Performance | 14 |
| Major Ensemble | 7 |
| Piano Proficiency Examination | 0 |
Private Piano is recommended
Music PTEP Methods Courses - Instrumental Track
MUS 210 | Introduction to Music Education | 1 |
MUS 310 | Teaching General Music in Elementary Schools | 2 |
MUS 312 | Teaching Instrumental Music in Elementary Schools | 2 |
MUS 317 | Teaching Instrumental Music in Secondary Schools | 2 |
MUS 325 | Choral Methods and Literature for Elementary and Secondary Schools | 1 |
MUS 331 | String Pedagogy and Literature for the Instrumental Music Teacher | 2 |
MUS 356 | Marching Band Techniques | 1 |
MUS 414 | Transitional Capstone Course in Music Education | 2 |
MUS 450 | Seminar in Student Teaching for Music Educators | 1 |
Music PTEP Methods Courses - Vocal/General/Piano Track
MUS 210 | Introduction to Music Education | 1 |
MUS 310 | Teaching General Music in Elementary Schools | 2 |
MUS 311 | Teaching General Music in Secondary Schools | 2 |
MUS 312 | Teaching Instrumental Music in Elementary Schools | 2 |
MUS 324 | Choral Conducting and Pedagogy for Elementary and Secondary Schools | 2 |
MUS 325 | Choral Methods and Literature for Elementary and Secondary Schools | 1 |
MUS 414 | Transitional Capstone Course in Music Education | 2 |
MUS 450 | Seminar in Student Teaching for Music Educators | 1 |
Art and Design — 66 credit hours
Required Major Credits
Select one from the following
Elective Credits
Select one from the following
Select one from the following
Area of Concentration — Total 6 credits
A minimum of six credits (300 level or above) must be completed in one of the following areas of concentration: art history, ceramics, computer graphics, drawing, graphic design, painting, photographic imaging, photographic communications, printmaking, or sculpture.
Professional Teacher Education Program (PTEP)
ART 248 | Introduction to Art Education/Art for the Exceptional Child | 3 |
ART 345 | Clinical Experience I: K-12 Art | 3 |
ART 440 | Foundations of Art Education | 3 |
ART 441 | Cultural Studies in the K-12 Curriculum | 3 |
ART 442 | Curriculum and Instruction in Art: Studio Strategies | 3 |
ART 445 | Clinical Experience II: K-12 Art | 3 |
ART 466 | Visual Arts Student Teaching Seminar | 1 |
General Requirements
ENG — with B or better
COMM — with C or better
Teacher education and educator preparation licensure programs do not accept Professional Teacher Education Program (PTEP) or field based courses that are more than ten years old. PLEASE NOTE: Teacher Candidates have the right to petition this policy at the discretion of the program coordinator.