2016-2017 Graduate

Faculty Committee Load Policy

An individual graduate faculty member may serve on ten active doctoral research committees at any one time and may serve as the research or co-research advisor on no more than five of these ten committees. Exceptions to the committee maximums may be permitted only if agreed to by the graduate faculty member, school director or department chair and college dean as follows:

  • The faculty member involved agrees that his or her load (current or projected) allows adequate time to take on an additional student without adversely affecting the responsibility of the school/department to other students and to programs offered by the school/department.
  • The school director or department chair approves the additional student. Approval indicates that the director has reviewed the current load of the faculty member and does not feel the additional load will adversely affect the responsibility of the school/department to other students and to programs offered by the school/department.
  • The Graduate Dean has approved the exception(s).

An individual school/department may elect to impose more stringent limitations on its faculty with respect to the number of committees on which they may serve. "Active doctoral student" is defined as one who is currently enrolled.