2016-2017 Undergraduate

Department of English

Chair: Marcus Embry, Ph.D

Location: Ross 1284

Telephone: 970.351.2971

Faculty: Sarah Allen, Ph.D.; Stacy R. Bailey, M.A.; Kristin Bovaird -Abbo, Ph.D.; Crystal Brothe, M.A.; Kenneth Chan, Ph.D.; Joseph Chaves, Ph.D.; Sarah Cornish, Ph.D.; Molly Desjardins, Ph.D.; Marcus E. Embry, Ph.D.; Lahcen E. Ezzaher, Ph.D.; Emily B. Golson, Ph.D.; Peter J. Kratzke, Ph.D.; Jeraldine Kraver, Ph.D.; Claudia Milstead, Ph.D.; Norman L. Peercy, Ph.D.; Stuart R. Rabinowitz, Ph.D.; Erin Satterlee, M.A.; Sonja Scullion, M.A.; Tracey A. Sedinger, Ph.D.; Teresa Sellmer, M.A.; Cody Shaffer, M.A.; Lisa H. Zimmerman, M.F.A.


Course(s) Offered (Prefix):

Program(s) Offered:

English B.A.

     Liberal Arts Emphasis

     Secondary Teaching Emphasis

English Minor

Film Studies Minor

Writing Minor

Secondary English Education Endorsement 

The Department of English studies reading, writing, language, and culture. Its goal is literacy, the ability to interpret and contextualize acts of signification in relation to the specific conditions of their production and reception. The study of English grounds students in the knowledge and practice of literary interpretation and history, as well as rhetorical theory and practice. In addition. we train teachers in a variety of pedagogical models and require them to reflect critically upon the teaching profession and their place in it. We produce literate citizens and highly effective teachers.

We expect our students to acquire:

  • Knowledge of canonical and non-canonical works in American and British literatures in their historical contexts;
  • Understanding of major theoretical and critical approaches to the study of literature, film, and culture;
  • Awareness of global perspectives in the study of language and literature;
  • Familiarity with the structure and history of the English language;
  • Proficiency in written and oral expression;
  • Commitment to effective teaching of language and literature.