2016-2017 Undergraduate

PSCI 200 Introduction to Comparative Politics

A survey of the concepts and approaches used to study government and politics in countries around the world. Students will become acquainted with politics in different countries around the world.


PSCI 203 Colorado Politics

Examination of Colorado state and local politics including the institutions and processes of policy making from a comparative perspective.


PSCI 207 Women and Politics

Examination of the women's movement and its development including the strategies and tactics employed and the ends sought.


PSCI 208 Introduction to Public Administration

Learn history and theory of public administration. Public policy process, administrative execution, organizational mission and external pressures on administrators analyzed. Emphasize case studies, decisions and impact on citizens.


PSCI 210 European Politics

An examination of various aspects of European politics using examples from Western and Central Europe. It covers the European Union’s functions and its relationship with member countries.


PSCI 215 Post-Communist Russian Empire

An examination of the politics of the former Communist states in the area including Russia and of relations among the members of the Commonwealth of Independent States.


PSCI 220 Introduction to International Relations

Sophomores or above. Learn the basic principles, processes and problems of the international political system. 


PSCI 230 The Evolution of the Modern State

An examination of the historical development of the modern state, its accompanying social structures and intellectual foundations, from the Renaissance to the late-twentieth century.


PSCI 240 Globalization

Analysis of the political, social and economic aspects of globalization and its bearing upon developments in the modern world in general and the late-twentieth century in particular.


PSCI 260 Drug Wars

Sophomores or above. Examines international and domestic responses to illegal drug production, use, and trafficking, along with its effects on criminal networks, civil conflict, violence against women, and transnational migration.