2016-2017 Undergraduate

Software Engineering Requirements

Admission Requirements

Incoming freshman admission standards are based on the Colorado Commission of Higher Education (CCHE) composite index, which is a sliding scale based on achievement test score and high school rank.  Freshman with a CCHE of at least 100 may be admitted to the Software Engineering program when applying for admission to UNC.  Students with a GED score of at least 570 may be admitted to the Software Engineering program when applying for admission to UNC. 

Transfer students are admitted to the Software Engineering program provided that they meet the admission requirements in place at the time of application.  Students who transfer with less than 15 semester hours of college level coursework may qualify for admission to the Software Engineering program provided they meet the freshman admission requirements specified above.

Current UNC students and transfer students with at least 15 hours with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 will be admitted to the Software Engineering major.

Some students may qualify to submit an application for admission to the Software Engineering major.  These students include transfer students with at least 15 hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.5-2.99 and UNC students who have completed a total of 15 hours at UNC with a cumulative UNC GPA of 2.5-2.99.  Students may apply with the administrative assistant in the department of Accounting and CIS located in Kepner 2090.

Graduation Requirements

The following requirements apply to the total credits required to complete the Software Engineering, regardless of whether the courses were taken at UNC or in transfer. To graduate with a baccalaureate degree in Software Engineering, a student must

  1. Complete a minimum of 120 semester hours of University coursework.
  2. Satisfy all the following requirements:
    1. University requirements (e.g., Liberal Arts Core, etc.)
    2. Software Engineering (e.g., Required Major Credits, Elective Major Credits, Required Supporting Credits, etc.)
    3. Elective coursework to bring the total to at least 120 semester hours.
  3. At least 50 percent of the credit hours in Software Engineering required for the degree must be earned at UNC.
  4. Attain a 2.0 or greater cumulative GPA and at least a "C-" grade in each individual Required Major course.

Incomplete Grades

A grade of ā€œIā€ is assigned when coursework is incomplete at the end of the semester and is used only when a student cannot fulfill his or her academic responsibilities during the last week of a semester or because he or she missed the final examination due to sickness, emergency in the family, or other serious emergency.

Second Bachelor's Degree

Students who have previously earned a bachelor's degree and seek to earn a second bachelor's degree in Software Engineering must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours at UNC. Individuals should contact the MCB Advising Center for more information on the second bachelor degree.

Time Limitation on Credit Earned Toward a Bachelor's Degree

Coursework completed by a student within the preceding 10 years may apply as credit toward a bachelor's degree. Coursework taken before the 10-year limit may be reviewed by the school director and college dean to determine its appropriateness to the major requirements.

Transfer Credit

  • Each emphasis notes the limits on transfer credit. The College requires that at least 50 percent of the business credits required for the degree in Software Engineering must be earned at UNC. In addition, no more than 14 semester credits of the Required Major Courses may be transferred in toward a Software Engineering degree.
  • A maximum of 9 semester credits in 300/400-level Required Major and Major Elective can be transferred from other four-year institutions.  The Required Senior Project of BACS 488 or CS 497 may not be transferred from another institution.
  • Credit from other Colorado institutions as specified in the UNC Transfer Guides may be transferred at the time of admission to the Software Engineering program. Transfer credit from other institutions will be evaluated for acceptance towards a UNC degree on an individual basis.