Graduate 2017-2018

Accounting M.Acc. (MAcc Degree)

The Master of Accounting degree (MAcc) is designed to enhance the student’s applied accounting research skills, communication skills, problem-solving capability, and other skills and knowledge required to be a successful professional accountant in public accounting, business, or government. The program is designed for students who desire to enter public or private accounting with plans to sit for the CPA exam with greater skills in applying accounting knowledge to various accounting and business situations. Students will be better qualified for higher level management positions as a result of the extra value of a graduate degree. Additionally, completion of this program will satisfy Colorado’s and most other state’s 150-hour requirement for licensing as a CPA.

The overall objectives for the program are:

  • Expand the students’ knowledge base and understanding of business in order to better prepare them for an entry-level position in accounting and industry,
  • Prepare students for a successful career in accounting including more career opportunities and quicker advancement,
  • Adequately prepare students to write the CPA Exam,
  • Grant students the advanced graduate degree upon completing the program, and
  • Give students the opportunity to become substantially equivalent in educational requirements with other states in order to make them more mobile with transferring their CPA licensure and practice capabilities.

The MAcc degree requires that students complete a written comprehensive examination or other approved equivalent.

As part of the Monfort College of Business’ continuous improvement efforts, it has developed the following learning goals and objectives. The outcomes related to these learning goals and objectives are measured and the results are reviewed by faculty. Corrective actions are taken as needed to ensure a superior learning experience for our students.

Graduate Accounting Program Learning Goals and Objectives

Master’s Program Learning Goals

Learning Objectives


On completion of the accounting masters program, graduates will be able to

To attain the Program Learning Goals, accounting master students will


Demonstrate conceptual and analytical skills.

Students will analyze accounting data/information to identify key accounting issues, generate and evaluate appropriate alternatives, and propose feasible accounting alternatives at a proficient level.


Plan and conduct practice-oriented research to answer/solve accounting issues.

Students will demonstrate proficiency in conducting practice-oriented research.


Communicate complex accounting issues orally and in writing.

Students will demonstrate proficiency in preparing and delivering professional quality presentations on various accounting topics.

Students will demonstrate proficiency in preparing professional accounting documents.


Appropriately use technology to gain knowledge of complex accounting information and apply that knowledge to new contexts and situations.

Students will appropriately use the correct technology to solve complex accounting issues.


Recognize and analyze ethical issues in accounting and business practice, and develop a defensible solution based on applicable codes of conduct.

Students will proficiently identify the ethical issues or problems in an accounting case based on codes of professional conduct, analyze the consequences for various stakeholders and develop a justifiable resolution.

Admissions to MAcc Program

The MAcc program is mainly designed for individuals with an undergraduate degree in accounting. The MAcc program may also be useful to other business majors who have completed the required undergraduate courses or who are willing to complete these leveling courses. Students admitted to the program who have not completed a baccalaureate degree in accounting as described above can expect prerequisite deficiency courses to be added to their plan of study. Deficiency course requirements will be determined by the program coordinator.

A minimum GMAT or an equivalent converted GRE score of 500 and an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 are required for admission to the program.

As well as meeting minimum admissions criteria, the admission process into the MAcc program in the Monfort College of Business at the University of Northern Colorado is subject to the approval of the MAcc program coordinator in consultation with the Chair of the Department of Accounting and Computer Information Systems and the Dean of the Monfort College of Business and the Dean of the Graduate School. Our program allows for up to nine hours of 500-level graduate work to be completed by a senior undergraduate accounting student before he or she is admitted into the MAcc program provided the student has a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Criteria for Admissions into the MAcc Program: 

The primary criteria in determining eligibility for admission the Monfort College of Business MAcc Program are previous academic achievement and performance on the Graduate Management Admission Test or the Graduate Record Examination. Other factors such as work experience and career progression may be taken into account.

Applicants must submit a completed application form and transcripts from each institution of higher education attended to the UNC Graduate School office. Each applicant is considered on an individual basis.

For students with a non-accounting Bachelors degree, additional undergraduate course work completion (called "leveling courses") will be required before applying to the program. They must complete all of the required undergraduate coursework listed below to fulfill the course prerequisites for the graduate program.

Principles of Accounting I & II
Intermediate Accounting I & II
Cost & Managerial Accounting
Income Tax
Accounting Information Systems
Information Systems
Legal Environment of Business
Business Finance
Management of Organizations

Additional Admission Requirements for International Students

All international students and any applicant educated outside the U.S. must demonstrate proficiency in English. Those whose native language is not English, or whose language of instruction for their undergraduate degree was not English, will be required to submit a score from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Graduate - Master of Accounting:

Requirements are as follows:


IELTS: 6.5

PTE: 60

UNC's Intensive English Program: Level 6

For degree and program requirements, see:

Accounting M.Acc.