Undergraduate Certificate Completion
Students who intend to complete an undergraduate certificate must apply the semester before completion through the Office of the Registrar by emailing graduation@unco.edu. The following guidelines apply for the completion of the certificate:
- A $50.00 application fee will only be charged one time per certificate and is applied to your student account. If a student plans to complete a Bachelor’s Degree program as well, another $50 fee will be charged to their student account once their second application is accepted. If the student is completing both a Bachelor’s Degree and a Certificate program and apply for graduation and certificate completion in the same semester, the student will only be charged the $50 graduation fee once.
- Certificates can be completed and noted on the transcript at any time of the semester once all requirements have been completed.
- All certificates must be declared in the Fall 2014 catalog and forward in order to complete and cannot be retroactively awarded.
- Any certificate completed in the Fall 2016 catalog and forward will receive an official certificate, certificates cannot be retroactively awarded.
- The catalog used to determine certificate requirements is the catalog in effect at the time the certificate is declared. If a certificate is being completed in conjunction with a major, it does not have to follow the major catalog year.
- To change or declare a certificate, complete and print the undergraduate certificate program form, then submit it to the appropriate academic office(s) for signature approval. The completed form must then be submitted to the Office of the Registrar Office. http://www.unco.edu/registrar/pdf/rec-undergraduate-certificate.pdf
Updating/Changing Certificate Programs
A student may select at any time a newer, active catalog year as long as they attended UNC during that respective academic year; this change requires submission of a Undergraduate Certificate Declaration.
Students may not declare or select at any time certificate programs that no longer exist.
Certificates are not recognized nor awarded at the commencement ceremony.
Certificate Release