Graduate 2020-2021

Petition for Exception

Graduate students may petition to be excepted from certain procedures, rules, policies, and requirements within the purview of the Graduate School. Students discuss the need for the Petition with their academic advisor prior to submitting the request to the Graduate School. Students may not file a petition for exception when they are actively engaged in the academic appeals process. The petition must include the specific policy or guideline from which the student desires to be excepted, a clear rationale for the exception, and a description of how the exception, if granted, would enhance the academic program, allow the continuation of a productive academic program, allow recovery from lost opportunity due to health or traumatic events or allow the student to profit from unique educational opportunities impeded by Graduate School regulations. Requests for an extension of program time limit, must document the specific academic and degree requirements to be completed and provide a detailed timeline for each task to be completed. Similarly, students submitting a petition to be readmitted to their degree program following termination due to failure to continuously enroll for more than one year, must indicate the degree requirements to be completed and a specific timeline for completion. Signatures of the program advisor and school director or department chair are required on this form prior to submitting the request to the Graduate School. Faculty signatures indicate approval of and support for the request. Petitions submitted without the required signatures will be returned to the student. The Graduate Student Petition for Exception form is available in school offices or on the Graduate School website: