Area 7. International Studies
Select one course from the following:
The following courses may be used to satisfy the requirement in this area and the requirement for the subgroup of Basic Core Courses indicated.
AREA 3a- ASIA 248, MIND 281, MUS 247, and MUS 248
AREA 3b- ASIA 216, CHIN 216, ENG 206, HISP 111, and MIND 180
AREA 3c- MIND 181 and PHIL 126
AREA 3d- CHIN 201, CHIN 202, FR 201, FR 202, GER 201, GER 202, JAPN 201, JAPN 202, SPAN 201, and SPAN 202
AREA 5a- PSCI 110
AREA 5c- ANT 110, ANT 245, CHIN 116, GNDR 285, and MUS 245