Seeking Programs
A Seeking Program is a collection of core course requirements that incoming students must complete prior to declaring a full major. The material covered in these courses provides the foundation for more focused and detailed study as students progress towards declaring the intended major.
The following areas are Seeking Programs:
- Dietetics
- ASLEI (American Sign Language English Interpretation)
- Nursing (RN to BSN)
Starting in a Seeking Program serves several purposes:
- It allows students to develop a strong, discipline-specific knowledge base before progressing to more sophisticated concepts. Through this exposure, they are better equipped to determine whether the intended major is the best fit for them academically.
- It provides a clear map for a student's sequence of courses, which is important for four-year graduation planning.
- Students who struggle in foundation courses are likely to struggle throughout the major. A low GPA can have long-term consequences for students’ post-baccalaureate plans, such as finding employment or gaining admission into a graduate or professional school. By providing students with grade-related feedback early in their college experience, Seeking Programs allow them time to find a more suitable major if applicable.
Students matriculating into UNC under Seeking Programs will be required to change to adopt the most current catalog once officially accepted into a major. Like all students at UNC, those in Seeking Programs are required to declare a major by the time they have completed thirty (30) credit hours toward graduation, including transfer credit.