
Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022

Safety Science Certificate Program

College of Natural Health Science

The certificate program in safety science prepares students for field site and laboratory work around any industrial hazardous materials on a wide variety of job sites (from extractive industries to food service industries).  Federal and state regulations require workers in many industries to be trained according to guidelines established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (e.g. hazardous waste operations and emergency response-HAZWOPER). The certificate provides both a theoretical background in science and practical training in environmental settings with appropriate personal and environmental protective equipment. Many employers look for such training in their workforce.

Certificate Requirements — 12 Credits

Required Credits - 12 credits

CHEM 111Principles of Chemistry ILAS1


CHEM 111LPrinciples of Chemistry I LaboratoryLAS1LASL


ESCI 200Introduction to Environmental Earth ScienceLAS1LASL


ESCI 472Industrial Safety



ESCI 572Industrial Safety