Withdrawal from Course(s)
A student is a member of each course for which they register. Students are responsible for confirming their schedule online through the Student Tab in Ursa Students may withdraw from individual courses in person or online through the Student Tab in Ursa. Students may request a complete schedule withdrawal from the Office of the Registrar. Withdrawal deadlines are published on the Office of the Registrar website or through the Student Tab in Ursa by clicking on the "Your Course Drop/Withdrawal Deadlines" link. A student will be charged 100% tuition for each course from which they have withdrawn.
Full Semester Courses
The first date to withdraw from individual courses is the first class-day immediately after the drop deadline for full semester courses. The last date to withdraw from individual courses or request a complete schedule withdrawal from the Office of the Registrar is the Friday prior to Final Exam week. Respective full semester course withdrawal deadlines are published on the Office of the Registrar website.
Special Term/Short Courses
Special Term/Short Course withdrawal deadlines are published on the Special Term/Short Course Report.
Transcript Notation for Withdrawn Courses
A “W” appears on the transcript for each course from which a student withdraws.