Courses and Credit Hours
A student entering a specialist degree program who possesses a master's degree must earn a minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the master's degree. A student entering a specialist degree program who possesses only a baccalaureate degree must earn a minimum of 60 semester hours of graduate credit beyond the baccalaureate degree. Programs may have requirements that exceed the minimum standards established by the university.
Plan of Study
In conjunction with the supervising committee, each specialist degree student must prepare a plan of study that clearly specifies core requirements and identifies elective, transfer, and double numbered course work.
- The plan must be formalized on a Plan of Study form created by the program faculty. The completed form, including the signature of the program advisor, must be filed with the Graduate School by the end of the student's first two semesters of enrollment after admission. Upon receipt of a properly signed Plan of Study, the Dean of the Graduate School or their designee shall review and approve or disapprove the plan. If approved, the Plan of Study form will be filed in the student's Degree Works audit. If disapproved, the Plan of Study form will be returned to the student for correction and re-submission. Because the plan of study will be the basis for the graduation check, any deviation from the plan of study must be approved by the program advisor and the Dean of the Graduate School or their designee. Note: From spring semester 2024, the Plan of Study must be uploaded to the student's file in the Graduate Education Manager system.
Written requests: A Course Adjustment Form, for changes or substitutions to the student's plan of study must be signed by the program advisor and submitted to the Graduate School. Students should take the responsibility to make sure any deviations from the Catalog are documented on their Degree Works audit.
Research Requirements
Specialist research policy
Students must complete at least one course in research methodology designated as appropriate to the discipline and approved by the Graduate Council. Courses numbered XXX 622 (Directed Studies) shall not be used as a substitute for the research course.
The Graduate School will not waive this requirement but can approve an appropriate substitute research methodology course. The program advisor must provide a written request to substitute an alternative course, a syllabus for the course, and rationale for the requested substitute to the Graduate Dean in the form of a "Graduate Student Petition for Exception". If the student earned a graduate degree from an accredited institution within the last five years in which an equivalent research course was taken, the program advisor must provide a written request to waive the UNC research requirement based on the previous course work completed. In such cases, students must replace the waived credits with another course.
Comprehensive Examinations
Each specialist student must pass a written comprehensive examination in the area of specialization and pass any other examination(s) the supervising committee may require. The written comprehensive examination may not be taken until the student has:
- been granted regular admission to the program
- filed an approved plan of study
- completed at least 20 semester hours (50 semester hours if baccalaureate only student) of work applicable toward the degree, not including the practicum
- maintained a GPA of at least 3.0 in their program
- received approval from the program advisor
Supervising Committee
A two-person specialist supervising committee, recommended by the program, will supervise a student's specialist degree program. The supervising committee will assist the student in preparing a plan of study, oversee comprehensive examinations where appropriate, and direct the student's practicum.
Graduation Application
It is recommended that all specialist students apply for graduation no later than the end of the semester preceding the semester during which a student plans to graduate. The schedule of deadlines for the Graduate School can be found at The student has the responsibility for determining that the application has been filed with the Graduate School. The Graduate School will not process a graduation application that is not signed by the student and program advisor.
If the student does not complete all requirements for the degree and, therefore, does not graduate at the end of the proposed semester, the application will be placed in the deferred file. The student must give written notice to the Graduate School when they wish to appear again on the tentative list of graduates.
All graduating students are encouraged to attend graduation. Those students participating in the graduation ceremony are required to wear appropriate academic regalia. Diplomas are not issued at the graduation ceremony. All Graduate students must complete a Diploma Request Card at The diploma will be mailed to the address provided by the student on the Diploma Request Card. Failure to provide a current mailing address could result in a delay in receipt of the diploma. No diploma will be issued until all requirements for graduation have been met.
Time Limit
The maximum time allowed for completion of the Specialist in Education degree is six calendar years beginning with the first semester of enrollment after admission has been granted.