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Dean of Student Development

This office seeks to enhance and recognize student learning and personal responsibility by:

  • Serving as an information and referral center for students, families and the campus community;
  • Providing case management support for students; and
  • Holding students accountable for behavior that is inconsistent with the University community's expectations (as outlined in the BEAR Code).

To contact this office, call 970-351-2001, email or visit

Bear Pantry at UNC

UNC's Bear Pantry is a collaborative initiative on campus to assist students in our community who are faced with food insecurity. Bear Pantry supplements the food supply for any UNC students experiencing hunger and struggling to buy food. Bear Pantry hopes to minimize food insecurity while students work toward completing their education.

Bear Pantry Information:

University Center


Student Bill of Rights

The General Assembly implemented the Student Bill of Rights (C.R.S. 23-1-125) to assure that students enrolled in public institutions of higher education have the following rights:

  1. A quality general education experience that develops competencies in reading, writing, mathematics, technology and critical thinking through an integrated arts and science experience;
  2. Students should be able to complete their associate of arts and associate of science degree programs in no more than sixty credit hours or their baccalaureate programs in no more than one hundred twenty credit hours unless there are additional degree requirements recognized by the commission;
  3. A student can sign a two-year or four-year graduation agreement that formalizes a plan for that student to obtain a degree in two or four years, unless there are additional degree requirements recognized by the commission;
  4. Students have a right to clear and concise information concerning which courses must be completed successfully to complete their degrees;
  5. Students have a right to know which courses are transferable among the state public two-year and four-year institutions of higher education;
  6. Students, upon successful completion of core general education courses should have those courses satisfy the core course requirements of all Colorado public institutions of higher education;
  7. Students have a right to know if courses from one or more public higher education institutions satisfy the students' graduation requirements;
  8. A student's credit for the completion of the core requirements and core courses shall not expire for ten years from the date of initial enrollment and shall be transferable.

Student Conduct Code (BEAR Code)

Please see the Student Code of Conduct (Bear Code) located on the Dean of Students website: