International Studies
one course to be used towards the state mandated minimum 15 credits required in the
Arts & Humanities, History, and
Social & Behavioral Sciences categories.
Arts & Humanities
ASIA 216 | South and Southeast Asian LiteratureLAA2LAIS | 3 |
ASIA 248 | Asian Musical CultureLAA1LAIS | 3 |
CHIN 201 | Intermediate Chinese ILAA4LAIS | 3 |
CHIN 202 | Intermediate Chinese IILAA4LAIS | 3 |
CHIN 216 | Masterpieces in Chinese LiteratureLAA2LAIS | 3 |
ENG 205 | World Folklore and Fairy TalesLAA2LAIS | 3 |
ENG 206 | Regional MythologiesLAA2LAIS | 3 |
ENG 217 | Studies in Young Adult LiteratureLAA2LAIS | 3 |
ENG 262 | Masterpieces of World LiteratureLAA2LAIS | 3 |
ENG 263 | Western World Literature ILAA2LAIS | 3 |
ENG 264 | Western World Literature IILAA2LAIS | 3 |
GER 201 | Intermediate German ILAA4LAIS | 3 |
GER 202 | Intermediate German IILAA4LAIS | 3 |
HON 180 | Great Ideas in ContextLAA2LAIS | 3 |
HUM 122 | Popular MedievalismsLAA2LAIS | 3 |
JAPN 201 | Intermediate Japanese ILAA4LAIS | 3 |
JAPN 202 | Intermediate Japanese IILAA4LAIS | 3 |
MIND 181 | Great Traditions of Asia: India, China and JapanLAA3LAIS | 3 |
MIND 281 | Modernity in AsiaLAA1LAIS | 3 |
MUS 247 | Music as Cultural IdentityLAA1LAIS | 3 |
MUS 248 | Asian Musical CultureLAA1LAIS | 3 |
PHIL 126 | Introduction to Global PhilosophiesLAA3LAIS | 3 |
SPAN 200 | Intermediate Low SpanishLAA4LAIS | 3 |
SPAN 201 | Intermediate Spanish ILAA4LAIS | 3 |
SPAN 202 | Intermediate Spanish IILAA4LAIS | 3 |
HIST 110 | African CivilizationLAH1LAIS | 3 |
HIST 112 | Asian Civilization I: From Prehistory to 1500LAH1LAIS | 3 |
HIST 113 | Asian Civilizations II: From 1500 to the PresentLAH1LAIS | 3 |
HIST 114 | World History to 1500LAH1LAIS | 3 |
HIST 115 | World History Since 1500LAH1LAIS | 3 |
HIST 118 | History of MexicoLAH1LAIS | 3 |
HIST 120 | Western Civilizations from the Bronze Age to 1689LAH1LAIS | 3 |
HIST 121 | Western Civilization from 1689 to the PresentLAH1LAIS | 3 |
Social & Behavioral Sciences
ANT 110 | Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyLAB3LAIS | 3 |
ANT 245 | Introduction to EthnomusicologyLAB3LAIS | 3 |
ASIA 116 | State, Society, and Culture in Contemporary AsiaLAB3LAIS | 3 |
BA 251 | International BusinessLAB1LAIS | 3 |
CHIN 116 | Introduction to Chinese CivilizationLAB3LAIS | 3 |
GEOG 100 | World GeographyLAB2LAIS | 3 |
GEOG 218 | Emerging AsiaLAB2LAIS | 3 |
GER 116 | Contemporary GermanyLAB3LAIS | 3 |
GNDR 285 | Gender in the Contemporary Global OrderLAB3LAIS | 3 |
MUS 245 | Introduction to EthnomusicologyLAB3LAIS | 3 |
PSCI 110 | Global IssuesLAB1LAIS | 3 |
SOC 235 | Social Change in a Global ContextLAB3LAIS | 3 |