**Review** Graduate Catalog 2025-2026

Department of Applied Statistics and Research Methods

Chair: Randy Larkins, Ph.D.

Location: McKee 520

Telephone: 970-351-2807

Website: www.unco.edu/cebs/applied-statistics-research-methods/about-us.aspx

Faculty: Maria K. E. Lahman, Ph.D.; Randy Larkins, PhD.; William Merchant, Ph.D.; Khalil Shafie, Ph.D.; Chia-Lin Tsai, PhD.; Han Yu, Ph.D.

Course(s) Offered (Prefix):

Program(s) Offered

This program provides students with a broad understanding of appropriate applications of statistical and research methodology and with experience in using computers effectively for statistical analysis.

The master’s and doctoral programs in Applied Statistics and Research Methods are designed to prepare graduates in statistics and education who make important contributions to educational practice. Through the programs, great emphasis is placed on how research design and statistics can be applied to educational issues and problems. Service courses are offered by the school in support of other university programs at the graduate level.