**Review** Graduate Catalog 2025-2026

College of Natural and Health Sciences

Department of Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Dietetics

SES 505 Exercise Oncology

This course will prepare individuals to design and conduct exercise intervention programs for cancer patients. The physiological alterations from cancer therapy and the exercise effects will be presented.


Program Restrictions

Include SES:Exercise Physiology-MS and SES:Exercise Physiology-PHD

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 506 Practicum in Cancer Rehabilitation

This course will review the basics of cancer rehabilitation principles, followed by instruction on the clinical skills necessary for students to work directly with cancer patients in an exercise setting.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Repeatable Status

Course may be repeated 1 time

SES 508 Workshop

A variety of workshops on special topics within the discipline. Goals and objectives will emphasize the acquisition of general knowledge and skills in the discipline.
1- 3

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles with no limits on the number of times it can be repeated

SES 510 Electrocardiography

Study basic electrocardiography and ECG interpretation. Emphasis is placed on interpretation of resting and exercise ECG's along with monitoring procedures, interpretation of abnormalities and drugs that may affect ECG interpretation.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 511 Advanced Cardiac Rehabilitation

An examination of clinical exercise physiology concepts pertaining to the evaluation and treatment of the cardiac patient. Emphasis is placed on cardiovascular pathophysiology, exercise testing and prescription, and patient education.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 513 Professional Renewal

Update skills and knowledge of professionals in the discipline. Goals and objectives will be specifically directed at individual professional enhancement rather than the acquisition of general discipline knowledge or methodologies. S/U or letter graded.
1- 3

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles with no limits on the number of times it can be repeated

SES 550 Neural Aspects of Kinesiology

Advanced study of neurological influences to movement. Learn terminology, structures of the human nervous system, cellular and macroscopic neurophysiology, and clinical applications associated with reflexive and voluntary movements and posture.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SES 551 Sport Sales

This course provides the foundation of sales and revenue generation through theoretical fundamentals and practical application of sales while providing students with the essential skills to become successful sales executives in the sport industry.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SES 560 Critical Thinking and Ethical Considerations in Sport Administration

An exploration of major issues, ethical theories, moral reasoning and their impact on the operation of programs in sport, physical education, fitness, athletics and recreation.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport Administration Concentration(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 570 Administration of Sport Organizations and Employees

This class is meant to provide students with a description of theories and practices that are relevant to sport organizations and their employees-including environmental, macro, and micro concerns.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport and Exercise Science Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 576 Sport Promotion and Marketing

Develop skill and understanding in the marketing process relating to the sport industry, athletics and commercial sport operations. Primary focus: application of marketing principles to specific sport scenarios.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport Administration Concentration(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 581 Developmental Perspectives for Sport Coaching

Course emphasizes the introduction, understanding, and application of the long-term athlete development model (LTAD) and incorporation of the concepts, perspectives, and principles of "developmentally appropriate practice" related to sport coaching.



Generally offered Fall Annually

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SES 582 Psychology for Sport Coaches

Understanding and applying psychological principles as they relate to sport coaching and athletic performance.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SES 583 International Perspectives of Sport Coaching

Examine international perspectives of sport coaching. Emphasis is placed on developing and enhancing students' knowledge and understanding of international coaching perspectives.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SES 584 Sport Administration for Sport Coaches

Develop an understanding of theories and principles involved in the management of sport and athletics from a coaching perspective.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SES 586 Injury Prevention, Training and Conditioning Principles for Sport Coaches

Exploration of the physiological aspects of designing and implementing a sport program that minimizes physical risk and effectively enhances performance.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SES 587 Sport Coaching Principles and Perspectives

Provide a comprehensive introduction to the coaching profession. Emphasis is placed on developing and enhancing students' knowledge and understanding of concepts, principles and techniques of coaching.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SES 588 Evaluation of Coaching using Technology

Emphasis is placed on the use of technology to evaluate skill, tactics, and technical components of coaching. Evaluation of effective coaching in game and practice settings are incorporated.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SES 589 Bridging Theory and Practice in Sport Coaching

Examination of theoretical and applied concepts of sport coaching. Emphasis is placed on practical experience of coaching sport that concentrates on coach education theory and effective coaching practices.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SES 601 Statistics in the Movement Sciences

Presentation of data, measures of central tendency and variability, inference, correlation, regression, comparisons of means, and specific statistical approaches used in the movement sciences will be presented and applied.


Program Restrictions

Include SES:Biomechanics-MS and SES:Exercise Physiology-MS and SES:Sport Administration-MS and SES:Soc Psych Sprt Phy Act-MS

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 602 Introduction to Research in Sport and Exercise Science

Receive an introduction and some application of strategy and methods of research to problem solving in physical education, sport management and exercise science.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 603 Professional Development Seminar

This seminar will provide a cross disciplinary knowledge of the sport and exercise science field while simultaneously preparing students to disseminate scholarly work.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 604 Teacher and Coach Action Research

Provides introduction to self-inquiry and pedagogical reflection through action research. Focuses on historical background, purpose, instruction and guidance for teachers and coaches to conduct action research.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 612 Assessment in Sport Pedagogy

Disseminate knowledge that contributes to quality professional practice. Students will experience new ways of thinking about assessment. Alternative ways of determining student learning, evaluation, grading and reporting will be explored.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 614 Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education

Present and analyze systems used in evaluating student behavior, teacher behavior and student-teacher interaction. Study strategies for planning and implementing effective teaching and supervising in physical education.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 615 Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise Science

The epistemological and practical underpinning of qualitative research as an alternative or complement to quantitative research will be studied in this course through readings, class discussions, and a practical project.


SRM 680 with a minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 618 Biomechanics of Locomotion

By exploring research literature, collecting and analyzing gait data, students will be introduced to one of the largest research areas in biomechanics: the study of locomotion.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 619 Advanced Biomechanics

Make an advanced study of the mechanical components of human movement, stressing the analysis of movement problems.


SES 331 with a minimum grade of D-

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 620 Neuromuscular Structure and Function

Make an advanced study of the structural components of human movement, with special attention to the analysis of movement problems.


SES 220 with a minimum grade of D-

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 622 Directed Studies

Individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a faculty member. (Minimum of 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour.)
1- 4

Special Notes

Maximum concurrent enrollment is two times.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

SES 624 Advanced Developmental Kinesiology

Advanced study of the influence of developmental and aging processes upon movement across the lifespan.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 625 Laboratory Techniques in Exercise Science Research

Titles: Laboratory Techniques in Biomechanics; Laboratory Techniques in Exercise Physiology; and Laboratory Techniques in Social Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles with no limits on the number of times it can be repeated

SES 626 Metabolism

Advanced study of energy metabolism and exercise nutrition involved with human movement.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 627 Muscle Physiology

Advanced study of the muscular and endocrine systems involved with human movement.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 632 Cardiovascular Physiology

Advanced study of the cardiovascular system as it relates to human movement.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 635 Exercise and Sports Psychology

Application of psychological concepts, principles and empirical findings to exercise programs and organized sport settings.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 636 Motivation

Examination and application of motivational theories and concepts relevant to sport, physical activity, and exercise behavior.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 643 Instructional Strategies for K-12 Physical Education

Exploration, participation, and analysis of a broad-based variety of physical activities, appropriate curriculum, and teaching skills that contribute to quality K-12 physical education.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 646 Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programming

This course examines principles and evidence-based practices associated with comprehensive school physical activity programming. Emphasis placed on strategies for developing, implementing, and evaluating school programs to make a health impact.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Phys Ed Phys Actvty Leader Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 647 School Physical Activity Policy, Advocacy, and Leadership

This course explores current perspectives and trends in policy, advocacy, and leadership development that influence the implementation of successful comprehensive school physical activity programs.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Phys Ed Phys Actvty Leader Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 648 Theories of Health Behavior

Examination and application of theories and concepts of health behavior relevant to comprehensive school physical activity programming.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Phys Ed Phys Actvty Leader Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 649 School-Based Nutrition & Wellness

Introduction to the topics incorporated in children's wellness including nutrition, health, and safety as they relate to the school-based context.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Phys Ed Phys Actvty Leader Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 650 Financial Management for Sport Organizations

Develop an understanding of and skill in financial resource management for the operation of programs in sport, physical education, fitness, athletics and recreation.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport Administration Concentration(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 665 Advanced Sociological Kinesiology

Advanced study of the application of sociological concepts and theories to current issues in kinesiology.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 670 Sport and Higher Education

Identification and examination of the contemporary issues and problems in sport in American higher education, their historical foundation, and propose methods for their resolution.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport Administration Concentration(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 671 Fundraising & Development in Sport

This class will explore current problems, trends, and research in the field of Fundraising and Development. This class will provide students the opportunity to gain experience in the fundraising industry.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 675 Sport Facility and Event Management

This course is designed to provide students information and knowledge on the operation and management of sports facilities and events.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport and Exercise Science Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 676 Sport Public Relations and Information Systems

Presentation of principles, standards and guidelines in sport public relations and information systems involved in sport information management.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport Administration Concentration(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 680 Perspectives in Sport Pedagogy

Philosophical perspectives of issues in physical education and sport, which are influenced by contemporary trends in American education.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 681 Research on Teaching and Teachers in Physical Activity Settings

Examines the empirical and conceptual scholarship related to the teaching process, teachers experiences and professional preparation and development of teachers in physical activity contexts.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 682 Program Design and Evaluation in Physical Activity Settings

The course will explore research associated with program design and evaluation across a variety of physical activity settings within schools and the community.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 688 Legal Aspects of Sport

Study the law and implications relative to physical education and sport. Emphasis on legal theory and responsibilities and risk management.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport Administration Concentration(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 690 Graduate Seminar in Sport and Exercise Science

Examine professional and scholarly issues in exercise science, physical education and sport administration through readings, discussions, laboratory tutorials and presentations of current research topics. S/U graded.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 3 credit hours

SES 692 Graduate Internship in Sport and Exercise Science

Supervised experience structured to the special focus and functions of the student's graduate program. S/U graded.
1- 6

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

SES 694 Special Topics in Sport & Exercise Science

Engage in a course of study designed to investigate a special topic.
1- 3

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

SES 695 Seminar in Physical Education

Students will make an in-depth study of contemporary topics under guidance of qualified graduate faculty and consultants.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course may be repeated 4 times

SES 696 College Teaching

Examines instructional models, issues and practices specific to teaching at the college level. Presentation modes such as lecture, discussion, questioning and small group procedures will be included.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 699 Thesis

Optional for Master of Science students on recommendation of major advisor. S/U graded.
1- 6

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

SES 702 Seminar in Sport Administration Research Methods

This seminar is designed to provide students with an advanced overview of research methods and techniques that are used in the sport setting.


SES 602 with a minimum grade of C

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport and Exercise Science Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 703 Research Seminar in Sport and Exercise Science

For doctoral candidates planning to conduct research in Physical Education or allied areas. Learn techniques and procedures of research and receive aids in development of required research outline for degree.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 704 Doctoral Seminar in Sport Marketing Research & Experimental Design I

Doctoral students gain comprehensive knowledge by conducting experimental design research, critiquing academic research, having discussions to gain insights into the research process, and learn expectations of market research in the domain of sport administration.



Generally offered Spring Odd Years

Program Restrictions

Include SES:Sport Administration-PHD

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 705 Doctoral Seminar for American Professoriate in Sport

Doctoral students will undertake an in-depth study of current topics, and research, related to being a sport administration professor in higher education in America.



Generally offered Spring Odd Years

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 706 Seminar in Sport Organizational Behavior

This seminar is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of organizational behavior theories that are used in the sport setting.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport and Exercise Science Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 724 Seminar in Theory & Sport Organizations

This seminar is designed to improve students' synthesis of theory into academic writing. Additionally, broad organizational concepts will be utilized as a theoretical background for writing exercises.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport and Exercise Science Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 750 Seminar in Sport Finance

This seminar is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of sport finance theories that are used in the sport setting.


SES 650 with a minimum grade of C

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Sport and Exercise Science Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 755 Supervised Practicum in College Teaching

Provide a supervised college teaching experience. S/U graded.
1- 6

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

SES 790 Seminar in Sport Consumer Behavior

This course is designed for doctoral students in sport administration. The objective of the course is to provide students with a research background in Sport Consumer Behavior.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR

SES 797 Doctoral Proposal Research

Doctoral students must earn a minimum-maximum of 4 hours credit in partial fulfillment of degree requirements. S/U graded.
1- 4

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 4 credit hours

SES 799 Doctoral Dissertation

Doctoral students must earn at least 12 hours of credit for the dissertation as a requirement of the student's doctoral program. S/U graded.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations