
**Review** Graduate Catalog 2025-2026

Educational Leadership Ed.S.

Program Overview

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

General Specialist Degree Admission Requirements

View delivery options, start terms and admission requirements

Director: Linda R. Vogel, Ph.D.

Location: McKee 418A

Telephone: 970-351-2119

Website: www.unco.edu/cebs/leadership-policy-development-higher-education-p12-education/educational-leadership-policy-development/

Students may work concurrently on the principal's license or administrator (district-level leadership/superintendent) license within the Educational Specialist degree (Ed.S.) in Educational Leadership. To obtain a Colorado principal or administrator license, students must have a master's degree or higher, complete a principal or administrator license program, and satisfactorily pass the appropriate PRAXIS exam. Students desiring a principal's or administrator's license must work with the UNC licensure office for program verification when they have completed their coursework.

Degree Requirements — 30 Credits

Research — 3 hours

Choose 1 of the following courses:

PSY 674Measurement I: Classical Test Theory


SRM 602Statistical Methods I


SRM 670Evaluation: Models and Designs


SRM 680Introduction to Qualitative Research


SRM 665Data Analysis for Decision-Making


Educational Leadership Courses — 15 hours

ELPS or HESA Prefix Courses.

Field-Based Learning — 3 hours

Choose from the following courses:

ELPS 606Internship in Educational Leadership

1- 9

ELPS 695Practicum in Educational Leadership

1- 3

HESA 670Internship in Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership


HESA 675Field Experience in Student Affairs

1- 3

Electives — 9 hours

Courses Fulfilling Professional Needs and Interests


Program Note

Satisfactory performance on a concluding activity approved by division faculty, in accordance with Graduate School policy, must be demonstrated.

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