**Review** Graduate Catalog 2025-2026

Committee Members

All members of doctoral research committees (research and co-research advisors, program representatives, members from related disciplines, and external and honorary members) must be present at doctoral students’ oral comprehensive examinations, dissertation proposal defense and final dissertation/doctoral scholarly project defense. No more than two of the four committee members may, attend the oral comprehensive examination and proposal defense via electronic means. Committee members must plan ahead and discuss the desire to attend electronically with the doctoral student and the student’s Research Advisor. The Research Advisor and doctoral student work together in advance of the examination or defense to secure the needed technology and space (room, conferencing number, etc.). The student will indicate and the Research Advisor will confirm committee members’ electronic attendance on The Request to Schedule a Doctoral Examination form submitted to the Graduate School in advance of the examination. In the event of unforeseen circumstance or a weather related emergency, two of the four committee members may attend oral comprehensive examinations or proposal hearings electronically.