Science Education Programs
Co-Coordinator: Jennifer Parrish, PhD
Location: Ross Hall 1520
Telephone: 970-351-1511
Co-Coordinator: Byron Straw, MA
Location: Ross Hall 3235
Telephone: 970-351-2470
Course(s) Offered (Prefix):
Science Education Programs at the University of Northern Colorado provide undergraduate students with the extensive knowledge and experience in science education needed to achieve teaching licensure upon successful completion of the program. Students explore a blend of content knowledge and teaching experiences to support them in their future classrooms. Students in secondary science education (Licensure: Science Grades 7-12) complete B.S. degrees in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, or Physics with a concentration in Secondary Teaching. Students in Elementary Education (Licensure: Grades K-6) can concentrate in science as they earn a B.A. degree.
Science Education also has an M.A. in Science Education for those wishing to further their knowledge and expertise in teaching science. The program emphasizes pedagogy and offers a broad focus across the sciences or allows students to earn 18 credit hours in either Biology or Earth Science. Science Education collaborates closely with the Mathematics and Science Teaching (MAST) Institute as well as the School of Education in the College of Education and Behavioral Sciences.