Undergraduate 2019-2020

Academic Appeal for Readmission

A student who has been academically suspended may not apply for readmission at the University of Northern Colorado until at least one term, Fall or Spring, has passed.

  • Student seeking readmission to UNC must complete 12 transferable credits of academic rigor with at least a 2.00 Cumulative grade point average at another accredited institution, or can present other evidence of potential future academic success before applying for readmission through Major Exploration & Academic Probation.
  • Application and deadlines for readmission are available through the Major Exploration & Academic Probation website: http://www.unco.edu/major-exploration-academic-probation/academic-probation-suspension/academic-probation-suspension-resources-forms/.  The application must be received 60 days prior to the term in which the student wishes to re-enroll at UNC. 
  • All applications for readmission are reviewed by the University Academic Review Committee and decisions are final. 
  • A student who has attended other institutions since suspension from UNC must furnish the Office of the Registrar official transcripts from those institutions. 
  • Re-entry into the institution does not automatically guarantee re-entry to an academic program.
  • Should a student’s appeal be granted, he/she must comply with the conditions set by the Academic Review Committee. One such condition will require the student to raise his/her cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or higher in one additional semester. If this condition is not met, the student will be academically suspended from UNC. Such a student may, under the provisions of the scholastic standards policy, immediately appeal the second suspension using the appeals procedure. If a suspension appeal is denied the suspension will be permanent.
  • A second academic suspension is final, thereby preventing enrollment as an undergraduate student at UNC.