
**Review** Graduate Catalog 2025-2026

Sport and Exercise Science PhD – Biomechanics Concentration

Program Overview

College of Natural and Health Sciences

General Doctoral Degree Admission Requirements

View delivery options, start terms and admission requirements

Location: Gunter 2590

Telephone: 970-351-2755

Fax: 970-351-1489

Website: www.unco.edu/nhs/sport-exercise-science/

In addition to required coursework, doctoral students in the biomechanics concentration assist with current research projects associated with their interests and specialized coursework which exposes them to research tools and procedures in the laboratory. Involvement in these lab research activities will help to stimulate the student’s development of research questions to pursue a dissertation. Experience in the classroom as a university-level instructor is also required of doctoral students given the teacher-scholar emphasis at UNC.

Degree Requirements — 64-67 Credits

Prerequisites — 3 credits

SES 602Introduction to Research in Sport and Exercise Science


May be required if not taken during a student’s Master’s program.

Required Credits — 24 credits

SES 618Biomechanics of Locomotion


SES 619Advanced Biomechanics


SES 620Neuromuscular Structure and Function


SES 622Directed Studies

1- 4

SES 625Laboratory Techniques in Exercise Science Research


SES 627Muscle Physiology


SES 755Supervised Practicum in College Teaching

1- 6

SES 622: Take 6 hours

SES 625: Laboratory Techniques in Biomechanics

SES 755: Take 3 hours

Elective Credits (in consultation with advisor) — 12 credits

SES 550Neural Aspects of Kinesiology


SES 624Advanced Developmental Kinesiology


SES 626Metabolism


SES 635Exercise and Sports Psychology


SES 665Advanced Sociological Kinesiology


SES 692Graduate Internship in Sport and Exercise Science

1- 6

Research Core — 12 credits

SRM 602Statistical Methods I


SRM 603Statistical Methods II


SES 703Research Seminar in Sport and Exercise Science


SRM 610Statistical Methods III



SRM 680Introduction to Qualitative Research


Research Proposal/Dissertation — 16 credits

SES 797Doctoral Proposal Research

1- 4

SES 799Doctoral Dissertation


Research Tools

Doctoral students in this degree must demonstrate competency in the two following research tools listed below:

  1. Research Design. Applied Statistics/Quantitative Methods. Complete 9-12 credits (excluding SRM 600 and SRM 700).
  2. Discipline-Specific Laboratory Techniques. Exhibit competency in laboratory-based research work, which is specific to a student’s concentration area. Coursework supporting this requirement is acceptable, but not required.

Program Note

In addition to Graduate School candidacy and graduation requirements, doctoral students in the School of Sport and Exercise Science must complete requirements associated with the SES doctoral matrix.

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