2011-2012 Graduate Catalog

School Psychologist Licensure

Institutional recommendation for endorsement in School Psychology is based on the completion of the Ed.S. or the Ph.D. program in School Psychology. No prior teaching experience is necessary.

Students wishing to obtain Colorado licensure in this area are required to successfully complete the National School Psychology exam through the Education Testing Service (ETS/PRAXIS).

Students desiring licensure in states other than Colorado should note that requirements for licensure are set by each state's Department of Education and should become familiar with the requirements for any other state from which they seek licensure.

Near the end of the semester that the licensure program is to be completed, the candidate should complete application forms in the Teaching/Special Services Licensing Office in McKee 216. Applications are processed as soon as official transcripts, ordered by the applicant, are received from the Registrar showing completion of requirements. School recommendations are required before institutional endorsement is granted.