
2011-2012 Graduate Catalog

Nursing Education Graduate Certificate Program (Non-Degree)

College of Natural and Health Sciences

Certificate Requirements — 12 Credits

The certificate in nursing education is intended to provide nurses with master’s or doctoral preparation with advanced knowledge in nursing education and the academic role as an option for required doctoral electives/area of concentration.

Master’s prepared nurses and matriculated master’s in nursing or doctoral students from other academic institutions may apply for admission. Candidates must possess the baccalaureate degree in nursing and be currently licensed as a registered nurse. Students must complete the required coursework with a grade of “B” or better. Application materials include a cover page with a statement of intent relative to nursing education and are available on the UNC School of Nursing home page at http://www.unco.edu/nursing. Completed applications are submitted electronically prior to enrollment in the online nursing education course work. Applications will be considered on an open schedule.

Degree Requirements

Required Credit — 13 hours

NURS 630Teaching Strategies in Nursing


NURS 660Nursing Education Seminar


NURS 695Advanced Academic Nursing Roles


Nursing elective